Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Ooo La La

 Here's a gorgeous die cut set that i got while in Turkiye.  I just love it, it's also have a lovely velvety feel to it.  I thought this card was just perfect for the DH upon coming home from Turkiye.  Missed you dear.  Kisses.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Home Sweet Home

 Well after all that amazing travel, sweet home.  Home Sweet Home for sure.  I missed the DH a whole lot so I am so glad to be home.  I will be taking photos of some HUGE amounts of lace so you all can see the amazing stuff I got and be reopening the store soon.

Monday, July 29, 2024


 Should be on the plane today for like ever....well, only 15 hours if you count AIRPORT time as well as flight time.  I never sleep during the flight either so it's LONG, very long.  I am super thankful to the DH for getting me a business class ticket.  he's really the best ever!  love you honey.  I can't wait to see you.

I made this card with some wonderful stickers that I bought in Turkiye

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Life's a Journey

 So today I leave Turkiye and get to spend a layover in Amsterdam.  WOO HOO. If things work out as planned, I will get to have just a tiny tiny amount of time there, then tomorrow I will take off for HOME.  I set up an AirBNB hostess to pick me up from the airport and take me out for a little while before I crash and go to sleep.  I wish I had more time in the morning, but my flight leaves early, and I can't afford to risk missing it.  So, no fun for me in the morning. I guess it will be exploration of the Amsterdam Airport, lol.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Guest Designer

Sharing more wonderful memories from visiting the school where my dear friend of over 30 years works.  She had the loveliest students and I gave them items to craft with, in turn they gave me their creations.  How sweet is that?


Friday, July 26, 2024

Thankful for You

 Thanks Merve!  huge thanks to Merve for letting me stay with her and visit Istanbul;  For being such a wonderful and helpful hostess;  For traveling with me across the country and having wonderful times.  You are such a good friend.  Huge hugs. I wish you all the best always.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Hey Friend!

 Four days left!  Oh, time to see all the things I want to see again, but that is mostly just my favorite places with the people I met and made friends with.  How lovely. Time to start telling everyone goodbye again.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


I thought this card was filled with great thoughts about summer. I just love these extra goodies that I had from Simple Stories and their lovely papers that I used to put this card together.  It's perfect for an end of summer card.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Thinking of You

 Hello sweet dear, I'm thinking of you, see you in a week now.  Hugs and kisses.  Here's a fun card I made from Photoplay.  I love their bright colors on this series.  Hope everyone else has a nice day too.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Have a great one!

 Happy Monday, I can't believe it's my last week here in Turkiye.  What a lovely summer it has been.  I have already shipped home all my stuff so now I just enjoy seeing everyone and trying to NOT buy tons more laces :)  ha ha.  that's the hard part.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Guest Designer

 Sharing more wonderful creations from the kids in Dilek's class last summer.  They are all so very nice and kind.    They say "welcome Holley" and "I love you Holley"  How sweet is that?

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Shine Bright

 Happy Saturday everyone!  what a lovely relaxing week.  You know what is so great about spending summer somewhere (or any LONG extended vacation)?  You actually get real rest.  Most vacations are exhausting.  When you get home you feel more tired than when you started.  When I get home, other than a little jet lag, I am refreshed happy and ready to start anew.  (And a little freaked out that my next countdown to Turkiye is OVER 300 days LOL)

Friday, July 19, 2024

Happy Birthday Cemil

 Wishing a dear friend's son, Cemil, a very Happy Birthday today.  I have know his mom for wow, 32 year. We met when I was in college.  I remember when she had her son.  Now of course he is grown up and married.  What a great man he is now.  I see him when I visit Istanbul, he has a lovely wife and good job.  I wish him the best for his Birthday.

Thursday, July 18, 2024


 Here's a little card today for the DH. I hope he's having a lovely week.  I do look forward to seeing him soon enough.  huge kisses dear.  Love you much

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Life is Sweet

 Happy Hump Day!  It's midweek and getting hot, well hot is relative I suppose.  What is hot here is definitely nothing compared to hot in Texas.  One thing I do love in Turkiye is the ice cream.  Those of your who are overseas won't really understand since your ice cream is probably more similar to that in Turkiye,  For my American friend's it's more like Gelato, or even premium ice cream, much smoother and sweeter.  Just lovely.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


These cute mini cards that you have been seeing were made from the kit leftovers of Simple Stories.  They give you so much goodies to make your cards and then you have all these extras.  I took many little bitty sized cards and created these cuties with all my leftovers.


Monday, July 15, 2024


 Happy Monday everyone.  Just two more weeks until I am back in Texas, with a little stopover in Amersterdam.  I am so thankful for this amazing summer.  Thanks to my DH, my friends here in Turkiye, all my customers, blog followers, and of course to God for putting me here.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Guest Designer

Here is some more wonderful creations that were given to me last year from the kids in Turkiye!  I just love their creativity.  How beautiful, right?


Saturday, July 13, 2024

Happy Saturday

 Happy Saturday everyone! can y'all beleive I have been in Turkiye for 7 weeks?  you really think I would have learned Turkish by now.  I mean seriously. Everyone in this country speaks multiple languages but me!  In fairness I learn words, but the syntax and spelling and such is so very different from english.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Bee You!

 Here's a sweet and simple card today, "Just BEE you".  It's lovely little sentiment to remind you that you, yourself are enough and perfect just the way you are.  Huge hugs today everyone.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Happy Birthday Kathy

 Happy Birthday Kathy!  Thank you so much for always being there for me.  I really appreciate you so very much.  Have a special day.  Cheers!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

You are in my thoughts

 Happy hump day.  Do they say that in other countries or just in America?  is there a special term for Wednesday?  Just curious.  Here's another card for my DH, I hope he's looking.  You are in my thoughts today, and everyday of course.  Kisses.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

No one!

 Hello, Happy Tueday.  I hope you are having a great week.  I am sharing this card today for my DH, No one measures up to you!  So true dear. I love you lots.  I'll be home in just twenty days!  Miss you.  Kisses.

Monday, July 8, 2024


 Happy Monday everyone!  is it weird that I am thinking that just a month from now I will be back at school.  Wow.  Should that make me happy or sad?  Mostly just overwhelmed...well, I have a wonderful month to enjoy.  I am so very thankful for that.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Guest Designer

 Hello, Happy Sunday.  While I am enjoying my summer in Istanbul, I am also sharing wonderful projects that I got from the kiddos in my friend's elementary school class.  How sweet is that.  I will say that when I go, I bring them some little gifts from America and one of them is always a fun and simple little art project to keep them busy and they always do the art and most of them give me the art back as a gift.  I never ask for it, they are super sweet to give it to me.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Dear John,

 Ever heard of a Dear John letter....well today I am sending my DH one...Dear John...I Love you!!

Friday, July 5, 2024

I am one Happy Camper

 Happy Friday!  I can't believe it's been almost a week in July now.  wow.  I have three more wonderful weeks to relax and enjoy the city.  But I am also thinking about going to another place called Bursa for a few days, maybe a week.  Hmmm. Decisions, Decisions

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Guest Designer Audrey R

 Special time of week for my guest designer, Audrey R of Texas.  She  made these amazing 4th of July cards!  WOO HOO.  It's so weird when you are in another country during this holiday and it's just another ordinary day.  Thanks so much Audrey, your project is fabulous!

If you made a project with your prizes or just want to share something, send me a message or an email, I'd love to see...

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Back to Istanbul

Time to go back to Istanbul. I have enjoyed my time here in Sanliurfa and feel like I really got to KNOW this area.  Sometimes spending a day or so somewhere just doesn't give it justice.  Some places need a couple of weeks and some cities the size of Istanbul (pop 20 million) need years and years.


Tuesday, July 2, 2024


 So what else should you see in Sanliurfa?  here's a few idea:  Badza caves, Sogmatar Ancient City, Rumkale, a number of historical churches some of which are now active mosques, all of which you can visit, at the moment I can't think of all the other great things, except the FOOD.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Make Lemon-ade

Happy July everyone!  I can't believe I have been in Turkiye for five weeks.  I am enjoying Sanliurfa and I am at the end of my trip there. Just three more days.  I will say, most people come here for just a day, maybe two days.  I have been SO relaxed and enjoyed this time.   One thing I love is the fresh squeezed juice that you can get.  Ahh, so delicious.  there are amazing stands full of fresh fruit and they just squeeze it right there for you.  So delicious.