Saturday, April 30, 2011


Here's one of the most delightful fairy stamps that was designed by well known artist Valerie Wade. This fairy is named Samantha (Plate #118). I love that name as it's my neice's name so I colored up this fairy with Samantha (or Sammie as we call her) in mind.Samantha loves purple so I used a lot of that while coloring and added my favorite color which is orange. Once I colored the image, I used that color palette to select my card and embellishments. I had a wonderful sheet of orange with a sparkly background. I added lots of purple embellishments and die cut the saying out using nestabilities. I added some sparkle to the image's wings using Stickles.

Have a fairy happy day!


  1. What a lovely card!
    Love the colouring.

    Hugs mariska

  2. Gorgeous card Holley, love the colours and the layout. Beautiful.
    Dawn xx

  3. Delightful card. Love the colors and that sweet, innocent (is that an impish look on her face?) fairy.
    Sue S.

  4. I do love fairies - this is just darling Holley! Have a great weekend!

  5. Hi Holley,

    Here I am playing "catch up" again.
    Very pretty. I love all the stamps you use. This one is so cute. You did an excellent job on the card.

  6. I love this little fairy....she's so darn cute!!


  7. Очень красивая, очаровательная открытка!! )) Прелесть!
