Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ayana's Art

Was such a wonderful weekend as I went to my hometown San Antonio. Got to see my brother and his Girlfriend as she (Amanda) just graduated from college!! WOOHOO!! Then I stopped by to see my old neighbors and wonderful friends, the Pictums. Amazing as I can remember Sterling when he was 3 years old. This trip, he showed me his senior ring that he just got. He's graduating high school next year. How time flies!

Finally I had the most wonderful dinner with family! John and I picked up my cousin Sylvia and her boyfriend Will, then we met my cousin Cherry, Chamichael and their daughter Ayana and my cousin Desi at a great restaraunt for an early celebration for Cherry's Bday. Such a delight. When I got there little Ayana presented me and John with these wonderful cards that she made:

Please leave Ayana a comment!


  1. Ayana, I love your cards! My favorite is the last one with the Easter Eggs and flower stamps. It looks like you are very creative and I bet Holley LOVES to receive your cards. Keep up the good work!
    Love, Cori from Royersford, PA(cori.kramer86@gmail.com)

  2. Thank you for all these wonderful heartfelt cards Ayana. You are the sweetest!! Hugs, Holley&John

  3. Ayana, your work is just beautiful. I am from Wisconsin and love seeing your work. WE WANT MORE! Keep up the awesome coloring too!

  4. Ayana- love your work!! My name is Nancy and I am from St Louis Missouri. My favorite card of yours has the key of love on it. Sweet!!

  5. Ayana,

    Your cards are very pretty. I think you are going to be an artist like your Aunt Holley! Your cards make people smile and that is a very special gift. Keep on making them and tell Aunt Holley to show us a few every now and then, ok?


    (I'm right in the middle of the U.S.A.)

  6. Jan L (WowStampers) in ColoradoMay 24, 2011 at 12:17 PM

    Hi Ayana! I just love your cards! You are a very talented young lady, and I hope you continue to make wonderful art. Just keep looking at your Aunt Holley's creations, and you will learn a lot.

    Jan L

  7. Ayana, I love your cards. They are so sweet and thoughtful. I can see that you love your Aunt Holley very much and that she loves you and is so proud of you. I hope I get to see many more of your beautiful cards soon.
    Hugs of friendship.
    Sue S.
    Santa Ana, CA
    next door neighbor of the very firstest Disneyland in the whole wide world!!!!!!

  8. OMGoodness!!!! How cute. Looks like we have here a new card maker.
    Hugs Nataliya

  9. Wow, Ayana, so beautiful cards! ♥♥♥
    You did a gorgeous work!

  10. Hi Ayana,
    Your cards are brilliant- looks like you're going to be as talented as your Aunt Holley. Keep at it sweetie.
    Hugs from Trish in Northern Ireland (UK)

  11. Carol Stinson has sent you a link to a blog:

    Ayana - keep up the good creative work.

  12. Great job Ayana. I'm sure everyone is excited to get your cards. Keep up the good work. Hugs from Vickie in Missouri

  13. How wonderful! What great cards and sentiments.

  14. Hey Ayana,

    What a wonderful job your doing with your paper crafts...we are so pleased to see your art on Holley's Blog as a Special Designer Guest....and you didn't even know that you were so special I bet!! Keep up the good work!!

    Hugs from Shell~Alaska♥

  15. Well, you certainly have been a busy little bee!! Keep up the good work

  16. Hi Ayana,

    Your cards are beautiful, you should be very proud. My favourite would have to be the Key of Love card. If you don't mind I will have to use that idea. Hope to see more of your work soon. Sharyn from Brisbane, Australia

  17. Hi Ayana
    Nothing says I love you better then something hand made from the heart and you've done a wonderful job I know I treasure all the sweet handmade items from my nieces and I'm sure Holley and John love all the time you took to make these, they look fantastic
    hugs Nikki

  18. Hi Ayana,
    You made so many beautiful cards. I like the one with the Key of Love on it and the Easter card. You did a very good job on them. Keep up the good work.

    Babe from California

  19. Ayana you have done such a wonderful job with your cards. I really like your shaped heart card.
    stamping sue

  20. Ayana, you make pretty cards. Cathy in Missouri.

  21. Hi Holley, i'm back. I just remember something. Check my other blog "Nataliya's Crafts", i give this blog to my 6 Years old Son for his craft. I have there two challenge blogs for kids. Not many people know, but kids can play and win too. That will be awesome if Ayana can enter her creations for the chance to win some prises.
    Hugs Nataliya.

  22. Your cards are awesome, Ayana!!! So beautiful and creative and best of all, they're filled with lots of love. What a special thing to do for Holley and John!


  23. Ayana your cards are so creative. I love your key of love card and I know that Holley will treasure all your cards and be very happy to get more - so , keep crafting. Lynn from Nova Scotia.

  24. Ayana,

    You cards are wonderful. The idea of the key was perfect. I bet you will be a wonderful card maker very soon!

  25. Very cute cards Ayana! Holley and John are lucky to have such a great little cardmaker to make cards for them! I love the birthday balloons on John's card :)

  26. Lovley cards, Ayana, and made with such love! What fun you have had!

    Judy Jackson
    Dover, PA

  27. Ayana what an AWESOME Collection of Art work! I must say you have a great talent. My Favorite is the Love Egg. I also adore the Birthday and the Key of Love. Keep it up and you will be the best scrapbooker in the world.
    Cindy Horsley
    West Portsmouth, Ohio

  28. I think she is doing a wonderful job -- Save and date the cards she makes -- they are truly gifts from the heart....
    **sigh** I there were crafters in my family -- I am the only one...

  29. Ayana what beautiful cards you made. Holly is so lucky to have you to send her these wonderful cards. My favorite is the Easter ones you used such pretty colors. Denise form Buckeye Arizona

  30. an artist in the making... thanks for sharing her art

  31. She has done wonderful art, now I can leave comments again! =)
    Hugs, Elenor

  32. this is soooooo cute, just goes to show you are never to young to make card for those you love.
    What a sweet child.

  33. Ayana
    Oh how precious...what a little artist.
    Love and Hugs to you !!!!

  34. Really cute cards Ayana. Well done.

  35. Ayana's cards and creations are lovely!
    She has done great! =)

    Hugs, Elenor (Sweden)

  36. Ayana, What a wonderful craft to get into. You will love the people and make lots of friends. Keep up the great work!

  37. Ayana, your cards are very pretty. My favorite one is the one with the Key of love. You are very creative, I know your Aunt Holley is really proud of you.

    Gemiel from Virginia

  38. Your cards are really wonderful Ayana! I love how you add some special touches on them like the stamps and stickers, but I love the key of love the best! We really love seeing your cards, so I hope you keep making them!

    grandma_lee_t AT yahoo DOT com
