Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

Here's the card that I made for my DH for Valentines. She's a darling stamp from Kraftin' Kimmie with a nice embellishment from Soft Spoken. Seeing as how John bought me a bunch of Kraftin' Kimmie stamps this year, I am sure he will recognize this image when he gets this card from me tonight.I hope everyone has a romantic holiday today. Be sure and sign up for the current open contests including Feb 1st, Feb 8th, Feb 10th, Feb 11th and be sure and come back daily to check the winner list and for more blog candy games. Today, tell me what your favorite embellishment for cards is..... PRIZE WINNER LIST has been updated, including the grand prize winner for the first half of the month! New contest starts tomorrow morning!!

Project Materials: Cardstock (Bazzill, Neenah); Rubber Stamps (Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps); Ink (Memento, Colorbox Chalk); Die Cuts (Nestabilities; Sizzix); Flowers (Prima); Brads (Bo Bunny); Decoration (Soft Spoken); Adhesives (Pop dots, Glue Dots, Glue All); Color (Copic Markers);


  1. Truly stunning card Holley! Im sure your hubby will love it! My favorite embellishment? Hmm. Butterflies and flowers and real dried flowers and leaves. Nothing we make is as amazing as the real things that God has made!
    Love Pearl x

  2. Beautiful card Holley!! My favorite embellishments are ribbons and twine...trying to get into the flowers but my cards never turn out as good as the ones I see. I will just have to keep working on that!
    TFS and happy Valentine's Day

  3. Wow! ROCK and ROLL!!! How gorgeous this card is Holley. Love the colors combo.
    My favorite embellishments are Flowers, butterflies, buttons.
    Hugs Nataliya

  4. Oh, it is romantic and beautiful so much! The image is beautiful)

  5. Oh, it is so bright and beautiful Holley!
    My favorite embellishments are ribbons.

  6. This is gorgeous! I just love that heart sentiment and whet you did with that ribbon. Adorable image and beautiful flowers too. All in all a beautiful card. TFS
    Hugs, Rosalee

  7. My favorite embellishment for cards are brads! So many shapes and colors and sizes. Audrey r in austin

  8. fab card! love the black and red combo. :)

  9. Just beautiful love the embellishments and around that heart so kewl hugs Nikki C

  10. sweet and lovely card. My favorite embellishment for cards are laces, punched details, flowers.

  11. Happy Valentines Day Holley! Your projects are just beautiful.
    My favorite embellishments are brads, gems.

  12. Great card your husband will love it.
    don't know if you would consider this embelllishment but I use my nestabilities all the time for layering on my cards.
    stamping sue

  13. what an adorable perfect card for your hubby!! Love the black trim and lacy look behind the heart and how you did the ribbon!
    I have so many favorites - depends on the day, moment, or project. Ribbons, flowers, brads, and snaps seem to be my first choices. Then I've recently found rub ons - I was skeptical at first, who knew how much fun these would be?!?

  14. Wow, I love the deep deep red. My favorite embellishments are ribbons and buttons. I use mostly ribbons because of the thickness of buttons.
    Thanks for sharing this wonderful card.

  15. Oh, I believe hubby is going to love his card. My favorite embellishment is using rhinestones.
    Phyllis J

  16. Lovely bright card today, Holley. I would go for gems most times

  17. Happy Valentines Day Holley!! Gorgeous card as usual!! I think my favorite embellie is bling. I have to have a bit of sparkle on most every project.

  18. Wonderful card you made for your DH! =)
    Hugs, Elenor

  19. My favorites are twine and any kind of ribbon. Love them!!


  20. Great card and what a great guy for buying you stamps!!! He's a keeper :)

    Our romantic dinner was yesterday - wanted to avoid the crowd and noise at our favorite French bistro...it was quiet and hardly anyone there = perfect!

    Happy Valentines!

  21. What a cute little sassy card!! I love it!! Especially the image!
    My favorite embellishment for a card is RIBBON and bows!! I love, love, love them!! Happy Valentines Day!!
    Alice B.

  22. Very cute Holley. Love the way you did the ribbon through the heart. Happy Valentine's Day to you!

  23. Very cute Holley. Love the way you did the ribbon through the heart. Happy Valentine's Day to you!

  24. love the ribbon and the colors on your card. My fave embellishment at the moment, since it swings different ways at different times, is LACE.. I;m loving all the lace you got from your visit to turkey, and I'm loving the lace I snagged at my church's rummage sale.
    Happy V-Day, Holley! Glad you're here to share it with us!

  25. Great Valentine, Holley! Great way to fancy up the sentiment!
    I love gems. I use them too much possibly! On the other hand, I always feel like I've gone the extra mile if I use grommets on a card, so I think it's a toss up between the 2.
    -Heather M

  26. SURPRISE!! if YOU did the following things happen, you get a bonus: if you answered the QUESTION of the day in your response, 2) if you win any prize during the month, 3) if your answer is BEFORE I post this Suprise message....you will get a bonus sent to you when I mail your prize! So for all your prize winners, you will get an extra goodie. We are just half a month a long, so odds are good that you will win before the end of the month. Good luck.

  27. Ah well, I missed out on this one- probably the time delay for UK!
    Anyway, I love your card and I'm sure your gorgeous hubby was well pleased with it. TFS
    Trish x

  28. Im sure your husband will adore that card. She is lookin' sassy. My fave embellie is anything blingy!

  29. Gorjuss, love the red/black/pink combo and then the blue pops up, super!!
    My fav will def be pearls and flowers, ok and a few others too, lol
    lotsa luv from this side of the world!!

  30. Hey this Card Rock:s .Red and black and hearts..
    i like Ilike this..

  31. Forgot to add that my favorite embellishments are Rhinestones. They can be used everywhere.
    Hugs, Rosalee

  32. Favorite embellishment besides the image, would have to be the polka dot red and white brad, but then I am a sucker for brads! Love Penny Scrap-aholic@blogspot.com

  33. Damn I missed the surprise.. have been busy travelling to see my sick nan for the last week so have missed a few of your posts.. Never mind!! absolutely love this card!!! My favourite embellishment would have to be buttons!! can just about always find a spot for a buttton on my creations. Hugsxx

  34. Aww Holley I.bet he loved this gorgeous card. What fabulous colours. My fave embellie would have to be flowers, just live them
    Dawn x

  35. Valentine's Day is so sweet holiday! Love your hand made card!

  36. fave embellie has to be bling--pearls, rhinestones, stickles!

  37. og goshhhhh fabulous, stunning and "I WANT THIS" super duper beauty...
