Saturday, August 11, 2012

Super Edwin to the Rescue

Well, here he is! It's Super Edwin.  He's ready to take care of all your problems and then he's off to fight them.  Please tell him your problems (leave a comment) and Super Edwin (aka the card creator--or me, Holley) will pray for you about it.
As for me, please pray for my dear family God already knows what it is needed there, pray for my dear friend Anjelina H. as she is looking for a job (and is pregnant with kids and risking losing her home!),  pray for those with medical difficulties and those who need a friend.  Have a prayer, just ask.  Hugs, Holley


  1. So totally cute and Edwin is colored fantastic. Super card.
    Blessings Doreen

  2. Cute Edwin and I love the die cut featuring this super hero!

  3. Edwin looks very handsome in his red and blue suit, nicely done
    Hugs Julie P

  4. Awesome card! Prayers for your friends Holley!
    Rene :D

  5. Great card! I have to get this stamp, it reminds me of my grandson!

    Laura C.
