Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Squigglefly Challenge

Hello Everyone! Here's a fun brand new image that just came out from Squigglefly from artist Carmen Gamble. I am using it to create a card for this week's challenge.  The challenge is to create a card using your 2 favorite colors.  I know after watching me last month, you must think I am a pink&red addict, but actually brown/orange are my favs!  Check out this Owl Stack image at the store!

Drop by the Squigglefly Challenge blog to see the cards that Rhonda's Team created for this week's challenge and then join in the fun! You can even use a freebie of the Squigglefly site to join in.

Today the Squigglefly prize has been sent out to Kaye!  I have acquired all the Stamping Chef information and will be sending it to their store for:  Alethea, Lisa Lucchese, Erin Bently, Ellis and Sylv. 

Here's a sneak peak, ALL the packages are now wrapped.  It's freezing cold here in Austin today, so it won't go out immediately, but I will be taking them to the post office (in the arm loads full as I walk to the post office), but everything is ready to go!!  If you didn't win anything, there's still time to sign up for the 2nd drawing (CLICK HERE).


  1. I,love this owl card. Very good job!

  2. it's a beautiful card great owl Holley.

    and what a lott of package.
    I think the post office likes you now [ lol ].

    gr karin

  3. That is a PILE of mail! You must be single-handedly keeping the postal system in business this month! lol Thanks again for being such a peach! :)

    Those owls are so adorable, and I really like your color scheme. Much calmer than recent series...I am ready for some calm. lol

  4. Fabulous card, love the owls images they are so sweet together.
    How many packages-at your home is like on North pole in December.
    You are so generous lady
    thank you again
    have a lovely day
    hugs Tamara

  5. Nope, I really wouldn't guess that brown and orange are your favourite. I like these colours too.
    Your card is very nice. I like the sweet owls.
    You're going to make those people at the post office VERY busy and many people all around the globe VERY happy. :)
    Hugs! xx

  6. Love these owls and love the colours too - great card!

  7. Love this card Holley. Gorgeous coloring. Image is super cute too.

    Smiles Sher

  8. Fabulous owl card Holley. I love it.

  9. Love the owls, they look fabulous!

    Linda xxx

  10. Great pile of owls....uhm...packages....uhm...owls....
    Just adore the owl stamp,that is absolutely gorgeous! You made a lovely card with it.
    And holey moley,,,what a lot of packages you are sending, you are sooo generous!

  11. so adorable! I love the image.

  12. Hi Holley loving this very different to what i ve seen from you before great job and ty for your comment on my blog x

  13. The owls are adorable Holley.
    I especially like the bottom one. The look on his face says it all. lol

  14. This own card is really neat and I think the color scheme works out well. You are so intuitive and know just how to put things together so they look good. Also, thank you for the free gifts. That is such a generous and kind gesture. God bless you. Patsy

  15. That owl totem pole is so cute. My daughter would love it. Her college mascot is an owl.

    All those packages look so fun. I think it must be as much fun sending them out as receiving them.

  16. Hi Holley,
    Beautiful owls on your card and I also love the colors. Reminds me of
    Fall which is my favorite season.
    Wow! You walk to your post office?
    Take care,
    Melody D.

  17. Owls are not my favorite but these turned out sooooo cute!

  18. Love your card. The owl stack is so cute. Cold in Austin?? There's strange weather all over the planet! There will be lots of happy people when those packages arrive. Thanks for spreading your sunshine around the world

  19. I adorn owls! Very cute!


  20. Thanks Holley.
    love the owl stack.


  21. Such a great card Holley. Love the image and the colors - I think I am going to use that combo soon as it looks great on your card. Wow - the post office is going to love you. Thanks for this wonderful candy giveaway - I can't wait to get mine! Hugz!

  22. Great owls love it fab card Hugs Sandra xx

  23. A very wise totem! Love it and the card.

  24. what a great owl card. like the three of them.
    stamping sue

  25. so cute and y know I LOVE owls
    must cost you a fortune in postage

  26. Love your cute card Holley! Love the two colors you picked!

  27. Love owls and this card is so cute! Great Squigglefly image!

  28. You did an awesome job with those owls! I love the colors you've used (I tend to go 'earthy' with my colors, so this is right up my alley). Super adorable card! And what a lot of packages. Some lucky winners!!
