Saturday, March 28, 2015

Guest Designers

I just wanted to share some awesome cards that I have been sent
Here's one from Jean M in thanks for her prize
From Mary K which sent me some wonderful stamps to help mail out all my prizes!! HUGE thanks Mary and for this lovely card!!

A thank you Mary sent to me in which she also included MORE postage!!  So SWEET!

One from Paula sent me congratulating me on my 5th year anniversary and sending me some postage to help during the celebration! 

Also, Check out this stunning card that Ace Cards Andree made with one of her prizes, a stamp from Sherri Baldy, click here

Here's another card that is created by Chrissy Sharp using a stamp that she won from Sweet Pea Stamps, just beautiful!  click here

Thanks so much Ladies!! I hope to show more cards from other people later on this month!!

 Cheers, Holley


  1. These are all beautiful works! It's wonderful to see gratitude so beautifully expressed! TFS!

  2. lovely and beautiful cards Holley that was given to you.
    Gr Karin

  3. You've received some gorgeous cards Holley and how lovely of people to help out with the postage. Thank you for the mention. I've been playing with more of my prize digis and will be blogging them soon xx

  4. Way to go on the lovely cards received!

  5. Love seeing all the cards you got! It was so generous of you! Thank you again!
