Saturday, December 5, 2015

Christmas Project and a guest card from Mary K

Here's one of the fun projects that I made for the church Bazaar this year. I was pleasantly surprised at how well it sold. I had made something like 150+ of these. Some I put into sets ranging from 3-6 magnets and some of the fancier ones I put as individuals that people could by.  We sold almost all of them!  WOW

Here's a lovely card I received in the mail from artist Mary Kirchherr.  What a lovely vintage theme card with beautiful embossing on it.  Thanks so much Mary and thanks so much for the stamps as they will go to good use when the blog candy month comes!

Cheers, Holley


  1. wow thats awesome Holley that they where all sold, they look fab.
    great card you have made.
    Gr Karin

  2. Congrats Holley on selling so many

  3. Hooray that so many sold! Just a couple of questions...where did you get your bottle caps, and does a 1 inch punch work to do the backgrounds? :) I might have to try making a few of these...

    1. I got the bottle caps from a local store (Tuesday morning) it's a discount store that often has some crafting items at a good price. and a one in punch would work, but I didn't have one, so I hand cut out all those circles, UGH!

    2. Good gravy! Hand cut? ALL those? You are so my hero!

  4. Well done in nearly selling all of these fabulous bottle caps. Loving the card too.
    Linda xxx

  5. Your bottle caps are wonderful Holley and I'm so pleased for you that were such a success. How nice for you to receive such a pretty card from your friend xx

  6. Your bottle caps are lovely ! Do you mind if I ask what type of magnet you used? The ones I made, the magnets weren't strong enough I guess as they slid down the fridge. Also, if its not being too forward, what kind of pricing did you have on the sets and individuals?

    1. Since it was the church's bazaar that means things are really cheap and since the materials were inexpensive most sets were 2 dollars. Nicer individuals were .50-.75

  7. Fabulous and fun project Holley. So glad that they sold!

  8. Hello Holley, Wow well done for selling nearly all of them. They look amazing to. Love the card you received, lovely vintage theme.


  9. So glad your bottle tops were a winner and the card you had sent is gorgeous. Hugs Jennifer xx

  10. Glad that they were well received, Holley, thought they might, they are gorgeous, beautiful card to treasure also, hugs xxx
