Sunday, December 4, 2016

Think Snow

Here's a wonderful image from The East Wind.  I am sharing this card for the upcoming contest for Outlawz Monday Greetings Challenge.  The contest is going to be Happy Holidays or as I like to call it, Happy Holly-days.  I thought this wonderful image was just perfect with this adorable snowman and the cute snowflake buttons.

Drop by Outlawz tomorrow morning and check out the other design team cards and then share your Christmas card creations with us for your chance to win a wonderful surprise from The East Wind!

Cheers, Holley


  1. gorgeous image and colouring and a beautiful card Holley
    Gr Karin

  2. Fabulous card Holley, great image and colouring. The little snowman looks super and nice touch with the added snowflake. Hugs Jennifer xx

  3. Beautiful card, love the snowman and sweet image.
    Linda xxx

  4. wonderful card and colouring! thanks for joining TheEastWind Challenge -Unky

  5. Awww, precious Holley! Thanks for sharing, Jackie DT at TEW.
