Monday, May 14, 2018

Surgery Today

Sharing this adorable image from Little Blue Button today,  I haven't announced on my blog yet but I had a horrible fall while walking last week and I ended up in the hospital.  I not only dislocated my elbow, I also shattered parts of it and will have surgery Monday morning 5am central to try and repair it, prayers and positive thoughts are appreciated.

When  I get home I hope to enter some updates on my blog about how it went.  Wish me luck


  1. A beautiful card, love the sweet image. Good luck with the surgery and wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Linda xxx

  2. Hi Holley this is a gorgeous card it is just so pretty. I hope the surgery goes well and that you make a speedy recovery. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  3. Beautiful card, and good luck. Praying it went well and your recovery is smooth xoxo

  4. Oh Holley.....wishing you a successful surgery and speedy recovery.

  5. I was up early in intercession. Praying it will be over soon.

  6. Oh no. Sending healing thoughts your way!

  7. Sorry to hear about your fall and hope the repair surgery goes well.
    Virginia Montagna

  8. Oh no Holley, I'm so sorry to hear about your accident. I'm thinking of you today and hoping that your recovery is swift and easy. Hugs to you.

  9. So sorry to hear about your accident Holley. I hope they patch you up good as new and I wish you a swift recovery. Take care and sending positive thoughts and gentle hugz. Hugz

  10. Wonderful card !
    good luck on surgery

  11. Lovelyy card Holley. Sorry to hear about your fall, I do hope all has gone well for you. Cathy x
