Sunday, August 19, 2018

What I found in Istanbul, part 2

So here's some more of the stamp sets that I found while in Istanbul.  The stores that I found these in were in Kadikoy neighborhood.   There was quite a bit of stamps in a couple of stores.  They were all hanging on the same hooks.  One store even had stamps on the outside of it, in the diplays in front of the store.

Next weekend I will share some of the embellishments that I found.


  1. These look fabulous! I look forward to seeing you create with these.
    Linda xxx

  2. they are fabulous and beautiful stamps Holley

  3. So. Many. Butterflies. They are all gorgeous...but those butterflies are making me jelly. Thanks for sharing photos!

  4. Amazing selection! They are all really nice - the sewing set is unique.
