Saturday, March 9, 2019

Pressed Flower cards

Sharing a couple of beautiful pressed flowers today that a fellow church member gave me.  She presses all different leaves and flowers and I make cards out of them to sell at the church bazaar.

ISO:  Gaye Valle--can't find your address, please contact me,

ok, so I stayed up Friday night to get the following items ready to go....they are shipping Saturday morning:  Barb M, Karin, Frances, Tricia K, Monique (2), Sue E., Kaye, Beth W, Kelly J, Jean Chaney, Mel C, ANita A, Denise B, Barbara K, Twylia, EmLouise, Dana M and Larisa/Hlora, CM Brown (2), Linda S (2), Gail H (2 of 3)


  1. That is so neat! Great idea for the pressed flowers!

  2. So pretty. I haven't pressed flowers in a while. I should try it again.

  3. These are beautiful Holley!
    Linda xxx

  4. wonderful cards Holley

    I let you know when it has arrived......curious what you have sent me now,,,,,you always know what I want.

    Gr Karin

  5. Great use of pressed flowers. I received my images plus some extras from Miss Rachel. She has succulents and I can't wait to make a card with them. I chose colored ones and ones that I can color! I am thrilled!!

  6. Beautiful cards! I see mine has shipped, thanks so much!

  7. These pressed flowers are lovely! I love using them to make cards because they are good for any occasion!
    I spy my name on Saturday’s mailing list! Woooo hoooo! Can’t wait to receive my prize package! Thank you for everything!

  8. They are so pretty. Thanks again for your generosity, Holley xoxo

  9. What a great idea! I love flower gardening and incorporating them on cards is awesome. I love the die cut shape too.
