Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Morgan Fitzsimmons

Here's a beautiful image from Morgan Fitzsimmons. I just love her lady images.  I can't believe we are already into week 2 of school.  I think the excitement and newness of it is wearing off and now we can all get down to actual learning again.  It's been really hard on several of "my kids."  Pretty soon, we will start doing pull outs and other activities with them to make their school days break up easier.

wishing you all a good week and we are all looking forward to Labor day this weekend.  Cheers, Holley


  1. Hi Holley this is a gorgeous card. I love it. Schools haven't gone back over here just yet. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  2. wow!! Very nice image!! Great colouring, and nice lace.

  3. Beautiful card! The image looks like a portrait. Hope the kids settle in soon. I’m sure you are a bright spot in their day.

  4. Hi Holley, love the image and beautiful card !
    Hugs Rose
