Sunday, February 23, 2020

Home is Where Your Sun Shines

Here's a wonderful Bestie stamp from Sherri Baldy today.  I am so happy that she celebrated with me this month. Her stamps are so beautiful. I am proud to say that I was one of her original stamp team almost 10  years ago.  How cool is that?    Sharing some nice lace today, I got it in Turkiye, but I don't consider it Turkish lace as it was bought in a scrapbooking type store in a package.

Question of the day, ???

what is your least favorite embellishment?  that item that everyone else loves but you never use on your card?

I have lots of washi tapes but don't seem to use them.  I never seem to use alphabets, I don't use grungeboard or chipboard very often.

You can check the current winner list HERE!  
Currently no prizes for Feb 17th to 23rd contest, go back and comment there if you haven't yet!

If you haven't signed up on the Feb 1st posting, be sure to go there, CLICK HERE as prizes are drawn from that list everyday as well.


  1. Hi Holley, I think that is an adorable card. Congrats on having such a long association with Sherry Baldy, you used a great image. I rarely use chipboard and it often comes with kits. All of your questions have been great, get me thinking! Thanks. Then I sometimes read the other answers. Been a really fun celebration so far, besides the blessing of being picked for prizes!:) Thank you!

  2. such a sweeet image love it well done i also dont use chipboard

  3. Beautiful card, love the springlike feel to the card. I love lace and pearls as embellishments.
    Linda xxx

  4. A beautiful card and lovely image..I cant think of anything that I dont use on cards..

  5. sweet and lovely card.

    if I have some kind of decoration on the topic for postcards, then I use. I do not use what I do not have - die-cutting, embossing, digital stamps.

  6. A beautiful card, I don't use washi tapes, I use the rest of the decorations, especially pearls and crystals.

  7. Love the yellows! Beautiful card. Hmmm, least favourite embellishment... definitely washi tape altho' it's great for marking my supplies lol. Buttons, chipboard. A lot of times I just don't think about using what I have (or maybe it's fear of running out of a prized possession heehee). I'd like to have and use some pre-made flowers but haven't acquired any yet... and then I'd probably be afraid of using 'em :-O

  8. Cute card, Holley! I don’t use chipboard or grungeboard very often.

  9. Fabulous card! Lovely, happy and full of sunshine. I don't use washi tape either I also find I don't use stickers or eyelets.

  10. Gorgeous card! The colors and embellishments are perfect together! I don’t use grunge or chipboard in my cards.

  11. Love that bright color for this nice sunny day here in Pennsylvania! I have lots of washi that I never use. I even keep it out on my craft table just in case. but it never seems to make it to my cards.

  12. Your card is adorable. The girl is so cute. The things I don't use are washi and chipboard alphas. I have both but I don't seem to reach for them.

  13. I love your card and the image! I rarely ever use washi tape and alphabets.
    Hugs! xxx

  14. This is one of my favorite cards you made! It is so bright and sunny! I love the girl and your coloring in awesome. The flowers, lace and sentiment are wonderful.y least favorite embellishment is flock for animal images. I haven’t mastered the application yet.

  15. Your card is so beautiful. I don’t use brads or eyelets. I find sticklers or nuvo drops to be a lot easier.

  16. Pretty color combo and embellishments!
    I don't care for chipboard or wood embellishments. I try to use flatter things that go through the mail easier! And I don't tend to use stickers.

  17. This is my favorite gal so far! I don’t use or like buttons and sequins on my cards. I like pearls and other gems but have found that sequins usually cut the card or envelope depending on how it’s used.

  18. This card makes me smile! So bright and cheerful. I think I pretty much use everything except maybe buttons.

  19. Your card is so bright and cheerful and Beautiful. I love Sherri Baldy images. I think Ive tried everything at least once on my cards but buttons is one thing that domt seem to make it much.

  20. What a bright sunshiny card Holley. It's making me feel like spring is right around the corner. I don't use bulky embellishments like metal, real buttons, or large gems and pearls. I mail a lot of my card and those don't go through the mail very well. I do love washi tape because it's easy to use though.

  21. Pretty card holley, love the flowers!!
    My least favorite embellishment…I don't really have a not favorite one, haha.

  22. Stunning card! I love every embellishment. My problem is actually using them.

  23. Your stuff gets cuter every day. My favorite embellishment is still glitter.

  24. So pretty with Sherry Baldy image!
    I have a lot of embellishments and me also face problem using Washi Tapes properly.

  25. Love your bright and sunny card today!! Sheri Baldy makes such sweet little girl stamps!

  26. So sweet! I can't get along with buttons, now matter how hard I try!

  27. Such a cheerful and beautiful card this is! Love all the yellow :) My fav embellishment is sequins and enamel dots! :)

  28. What a bright and "smiling" card. The gal is soooo cute. I don't use chipboard, wire or puffy bubble like stickers. I prefer embellishments that aren't overly heavy or thick so I can send cards in a padded envie. Hugs, Barbara

  29. Wonderful card, my least favorite embellishment: eyelets, large buttons

  30. I love the besties! I especially love what you do with them!

    Least favorites...I've had to really think about this. I almost never use stickers(unless it's a butterfly or bird). I don't use alphabets at all. I absolutely detest glitter and very rarely use it. I don't use sequins a lot except in shakers. I know you love to use buttons, but I have a mixed relationship with them. I don't do gaudy, so large gems are out. Really heavy stuff that the paper won't support like metal plaques. I try to use sense if I'm mailing of mass making.

    TIP: If you are having a hard time using washi as an embellishment, try using it as a background instead. Choose 3 or more coordinating tapes and lay them down over a thin line of glue across a piece of card stock in a pleasing pattern. Cut the card stock down to desired size(s) and use like patterned papers.

  31. This card is adorable and so cheerful! As for embellishments that I don't use, that would be wooden and metal embellishments, unless they are really thin. I rarely use buttons, even though I have a lot of them, and don't use large pearls or rhinestones. Oh, and no bulky flowers. I'm trying to use ribbon more often but almost always go for twine instead.

  32. I rarely use stickers and washi tape. I love flowers and lace.

  33. Lovely card...l rarely use stickers,buttons and eashi tapes...I love enamel dots ..

  34. Oh I love her, the eyes are fantastic and her hair
    I do not like cards with bulky embellishments. I like my cards to mail easy and not worry about things getting crushed or ruined in the mail

  35. Such a bright and cheery card! Love the sunny yellow! Especially since we are expecting three days of rain this week! Sherri’s images are the best! I love her expressions! Embellishments that I don’t often use are the large bulky kind, unless it will be hand delivered. Otherwise they just don’t survive in the mail well unless you put them in a large padded envelope which costs so much more. I don’t like chipboard flowers, but do use chipboard buttons and other chipboard embellishments.

  36. Washi tape always frustrates me. It just does not seem to stick and stay in place.

  37. Your cards are always so cute and I love all that yellow! The kind of embellishments that I don't use are anything heavy or bulky. I don't use large buttons or anything metal because they just fall off my cards. I like chipboard if it isn't too thick.

  38. I love your card! The embellishment I can not STAND or use is stickers! I think it makes your cards and scrapbook layouts look cheap. Before anyone attacks me, that is JUST MY OPINION. I know everyone is different.

  39. What a darling card. A fab image, great colouring and a pretty design with all those die cuts.

  40. I like this card.
    I like everything but stickers i don´t use so often.I love lace,ribbons,beads,buttons,glitter glue ..

  41. What an awesome adorable card. ❤️. Least favorite embellishments would be glitter. Love bling but not glitter
