Friday, April 10, 2020

Enjoy today

Here's a fun brand new image from Sandra Caldwell today.  She's called 3132 Moving Mona.  She'll be added to the store, Etsy, Babycakes DND today along with a bunch of other wonderful stamps.  Check her out there!

I can't believe it is Easter weekend and not only has my church shut down (now realize, this was happening long before this pandemic, they were closing my church due to size and finances), but ALL churches are shut down.  WOW.  it's still very unbelievable.


  1. Hi Holley this is a stunning card. I love it. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  2. Your beautiful card! Your coloring is gorgeous!

  3. Super card Holley! Do you not have online services instead? We do. Shabneez x

  4. Cute card, amazing coloring. My smile for the day.

  5. My cousin, will stream his service from Kennesaw Baptist Chirch in Georgia. My other cousin will stream services from Church by the Fort in Texas. They are good ones. The card is cute! I always enjoy your embellishments.

  6. Beautiful card. Have a wonderful Easter.
    Stay safe.
    Linda xxx

  7. I'm sorry to hear about your church closing. I know that's hard. Our church is streaming Easter (and has been). Great preaching!
    Your card is such an adorable one. I love the colors! Hugs!

  8. Cute card Holley, sorry to hear that.
