Sunday, June 14, 2020


Taking off today for my trip.  I am both nervous and super excited.  I think more excited than nervous.  I think the virus is surrounding me no matter where I go, so I might as well use my plane ticket and all the $ spent on lodging and go experience some social distancing far away.  OK--so TODAY was the day I was SUPPOSED to go, Turkish Airlines cancelled my ticket (SIGH), so now I am not leaving until July 1st!  so what you read is what I had wanted to say....IF I was leaving.

I hope that all of you have a wonderful summer and I will be posting cards all summer long.  This cute card is for my DH who has been super supportive and encouraging. Love him to bits and I will miss him so very much. Great Big Hugs as the card says!

Hugs, Holley


  1. Darling card for your darling!

  2. Hi Holley this is such a cute card. I do hope that your trip goes ahead. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  3. What a sweet card. Hopefully your trip will be smooth sailing from here on out.

  4. This is gorgeous, such a cute image.
    Linda xxx

  5. Adorable card! Love that sweet image!
    Sorry your trip got postponed!

  6. I am not a massive whimsical style fan, BUT I LOVE THIS!!!! :)
