Friday, July 3, 2020

Coffee anyone?

Here's an adorable stamp from Neat and Tangled plus a sentiment stamp from Picket Fences.  I thought they went well together and were super cute in pink with cuppie cakes.  How cute is this? Hope it gave  you a little smile today.

Have a great weekend. I can't believe the summer break is almost half over. I mean, I know everyone feels like we got all this extra break since school didn't go back into session ("in person") but the amount of work behind the scenes to get everything running "online" was crazy.  it's like a lot of extra work and no benefits of getting to be with the kiddos everyday!


  1. lovely card and I'm drinking coffee when I'm looking this Holley
    Gr Karin

  2. Hi Holley this is a gorgeous card. I love that image. I know what has to go on behind the scenes. Enjoy your break. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  3. So sweet! It definitely made me smile!

  4. Beautiful, love the quote and embellishments.
    Linda xxx
