Thursday, October 21, 2021

Gus and Gertie

Here's a super cute stamp from Taylored Expressions Gus and Gertie stamp line.  It says, "I work hard so my dog can have nice things."  How cute is that?  I just adore this company for their funny (and punny) stamps.  I also just LOVE their Grumplings.  I can't believe we just have 10 more days of October.  Wow, this school year is going.

Have a wonderful day!

HEY--I'm so excited to announce that I added a store to etsy to sell Turkish Lace it's HERE:


Check it out, I'd love your feedback.  Right now I am doing small amounts with pieces big enough for cards and smaller (like tag sized), but if you LMK what you want, I can make a pack just for you!!