Friday, August 19, 2022

Whew, made it!

Whew!  made it to the friday of the first week of school.  I am sure anyone who works at a school understands the logistical nightmare of getting 650+ kids to all the right places at all the right times understands how hard that it.  To make it to friday is a real Blessing.  I am so thankful week one is coming to a close today.  Whew!

Here's some beautiful embellishments from Turkiye.  I just love them!

Having a sale during the first week of school so quick, go check out my Lace store: LacePlaceByHolley | Etsy 


  1. Hi, Holley.....
    Congrats on a successful first week!!! :) Yay.
    The lace embellishments are gorgeous.
    Hope you have some time to relax and catch your breath this weekend so you can be all refreshed and ready for next week!
    Take care!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  2. what a lovely card Holley and great you came true the first week

    gr karin
