Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Coffee Please

 Today is the first day back with the kiddos, In elementary school it's usually a mix of upset and crying to excitement at seeing their friends again.  It takes a good week or two to get back in the groove of things for the littles.  I thought a coffee card was definitely on the agenda for today.

Wanna see the prize that are coming in February?  I have a huge folder in Facebook that I am adding photos to all the time, it's HERE:  Facebook

Check out my wonderful Etsy store.   I sell precut lace in wonderful packs so you get 20 or 40 pieces all different in a wide array of colors, beautiful embellishments, or Lace Menagerie which is 6 yard assortments!  You can find the store here: https://laceplacebyholley.etsy.com


  1. Coffee is always the answer! Hope your first day back with the kiddos is a good one. The prize pictures are amazing!

  2. Have an amazing return to work! I like the card!

  3. Hi Holley, beautiful card, coffee drunk in company is a nice break. a hug Taty

  4. Kids are always crazy coming back! Weird things make them crazy too...like weather changes! Have fun with them! Cute card!

  5. Love this card and coffee saying!
