Sunday, August 11, 2013

Beautiful Guest Card, Artist Patti Gilliam

Here's a stunning card that I received in the mail just the other day from artist Patti Gilliam.  Let me tell you why this card is so special, it was actually published in the most recent copy of Card Maker Magazine, Autumn 2013 issue.  I had signed up for a blog contest on her blog, Cherish Each Precious Day
She announced that she was selected to be published and she was giving away a copy of the magazine as a prize.  I won!! That's super exciting to me because you all know how much fun blog candy I do year round, I don't often win myself.  I was so happy. At any rate, after nice emails and such, I was so pleased when the magazine arrived, but more STUNNED to actually be given the card itself!! WOW, the one that she had published in the magazine. 

If you have a copy of Card Maker Magazine, it's on page 17, let me tell you, the photo doesn't do it justice, when you see it in person you can see the extra layers of the butterflies, the gorgeous papers used, the detailed embossing, Oh, lovely!!

So, next time you are at a newsstand, pick up the magazine and check out Page 17 to see her card or drop by her blog to see her work.

Cheers, Holley


  1. it's a gorgeous card that you have resieved Holley.
    glad you have won something too [lol ]

    greetings karin

  2. Congratulations on the win Holly. It is a fabulous card..Loz

  3. Congratulations on your win - you've received a really lovely card.

  4. How fun you won this pretty card and the magazine it was published in. Fun! Hugz!

  5. Hi Holley,
    What a beautiful card and your a well deserved winner.
    Trish x

  6. Hi Holley,
    What a beautiful card and your a well deserved winner.
    Trish x
