Monday, February 10, 2014

Squigglefly Challenge

Happy Monday everyone!  It's time for this week's Squigglefly Challenge.  The challenge this week is called Square Pegs.  That means you need to have a Square shaped card!  Here's my example this week using a brand new stamp designed by Squigglefly artist Fawn Palmer.  She's Burlesque Beauty Magenta.  She comes with the fun sentiment "Anyone can drive a straight line, but it takes a real man to handle these curves."  HA!  too cute.  There's a couple other fun Burlesque girls out this month too.

Check out all the cards that the Holley Hobbyists made on the Squigglefly Challenge Blog today and then feel free to join in!  You can even grab a freebie from Squigglefly and play (click here).  There's a brand new freebie called "Mound of Chocolate"  tell me that isn't the way to your heart (note, that freebie is on the front page of the Squigglefly store, not the freebies page).

Do you use digi-stamps?  these are images that you get online and then print them out on your computer to use just like stamped images.   I do love them because I can take an image and size it however large or small I want for my card. Also, unlike when I stamp and make a mistake, I don't waste paper printing it out. (oh yeah, and they are much less expensive and no shipping charges too!!)

So, What do you think of Digi-stamps?

Cheers, Holley

Be sure to keep your eye on the winner list, it gets updated regularly now, you can get to it by clicking on the image in the upper right hand column.  ALSO, if you are new visiting, be sure and leave a comment on Feb 1st!  that's the main prize location for the month of which the grand prizes will be drawn.  You are also welcome to go back through the last week and leave comments during each posting as winners for those days have not yet been chose! click the Home link to go to the main blog.


  1. Another fabulous card! I was on the fence about digis originally, then I bought some from a gal on Etsy who has very fun and funky images. When I realized how versatile they were (sizing, etc.) I was sold! I'm still a rubber stamp girl at heart, but digis now have a place in my crafting as well.

  2. Sexy Card you've got there
    I love digi Stamps and they are a huge part of my collection the only thing I miss is able to emboss them when printed. At the moment I'm trying to use only my stamps think they need a little attention :)
    hugs Nikki

  3. I am so in love with this card... you colored so well ... looks so lively.... fabulous.

  4. I don't have a lot of either kind of stamps comparatively. All of my rubber would fit into a shoebox probably, and I have about the same amount of clear stamps. I have a small file of digis too. About 10mb I guess. I love all of them, but I don't have a printer, so if I want to print my digis I have to make a file and put it on a thumb drive and take it to the print shop. It's a bit expensive to do it that way too. :)

    I wanted to tell Nikki C. that embossing a printed image is still possible. I just use a really juicy pen or marker and draw over the lines a section at a time and sprinkle the powder. :)

    Tadays card is pretty neat Holly! I really dig pin up images!

  5. This is gorgeous. I love the sparkly heart.

  6. Hi Holley, great card and I love that sentiment. I don't use so many digi's. Not so technically minded. You're right about the price though and they take up much less storage space LOL

  7. Sassy little number! Great card Holley!

  8. Great card again! Steamy Valentine's day card!
    Great coloring! :)
    Digi's is someting I don't use,I need real rubber and real ink.


  9. WOW Holley what sexy card and great color!Hugs Kaija<3

  10. This is fantastic Holley! I love the sentiment and the beautiful image.

    Linda xxxx

  11. Lovely card.
    For storagereasons I prefer digistamps. They're so easy to use, printed in the size you want, you can mask them easier.

  12. Cute and sezy image on today's card. I use some digi, but mostly use rubber stamps.
    Virginia Montagna

  13. Gorgeous card!! Congrats!!!
    Digi stamps are very easy to work with but I'm not a fan, because I don't own a printer and I craft to relax, for me to turn the computer on means work, look for e-mails... and so on!!!
    I love real stamps and inks!!! ;)

  14. Super card Holley, I use a mixture of both digi's and rubber

  15. another gorgeous creation loving how happy it feels

  16. Fab love the sentiment and image is great xxx

  17. I like digi stamps because you can make then to the size you want.

    your image is gorgeous and a beautiful card Holley.

    gr karin

  18. Such a cute Valentine's card. As far as digis go I am more of a stamp person. Love what others do with them just that I like stamps.

  19. Fabulous card Holley, love that sassy image wish I was that shape. and the sentiment is so right.
    Janet xxx

  20. This made me literally LOL - love it, what a great sentiment - something totally different.

    Ruth xx

  21. Beautiful card
    I dont use digi stamps very often. Something i need to get in to!
    Nancy dunlap bahr

  22. Love the sentiment on this card - perfect for Valentine Day!~!

  23. Awesome card and fantastic sentiment! =)
    I really like digistamps and the versatile ways you can use them! =)
    Hugs, Elenor

  24. This would be a great card for you other half. I love the coloring - the card is wonderful.

  25. lovely card and that saying brilliant

  26. Stunning card and image Holly.Loz

  27. Perfect saying for a perfect card!


  28. Wow...very pretty...another winner Holley...TFT...hugs Gillian xxxxxxx

  29. Sexxyyy. What man would't like to receive that card.

  30. OOOHH it's getting hot in here!! Fab card and I love that sentiment!! I love digi's, cos you can do more with them!! HUgsxx

  31. Love the digi you used on your fabulous card! I love to work with digis, especially from Squigglefly!

  32. Now that is something my hubby would leave up on the shelf for months, if I gave it to him.
    love it,,,,,,,,
    kaye G

  33. Wow! she's a looker!
    no I don't use digi stamps. I like the stamp in my hand.
    stamping sue

  34. What a sexy gal she is. Beautiful card. I don't use digital stamps. I don't have my computer or printer in the craft room.

  35. Absolutely breathtakingly! Beautiful card.

  36. Cute card!
    I LOVE digi images, for all the same reasons you gave! Especially the cheaper part. I can have 3 times the number of images I could afford if I was buying the actual stamps!
    thanks for the chance to win!

  37. Holley - I thought I left a message, but don't see it. Would like to try digi stamps. What do you use to edit them with? Audrey R in austin

  38. I like digi stamps too! I like being able to make the size that works for my project. And the cheaper part is great too! And the storage factor is a real plus!

  39. I like digi-stamps, but my printer doesn´t like the thick marker-cardstock :(
    But I used digistamps and printed them on marker paper with a lower weight und they looked just as fine on a card as stamped ones. :)

  40. I think digi-stamps are great, and Sometimes I color them using my graphic program rather than coloring them with watercolors paint or markers. Since my stroke, it is harder to color the way that is acceptable to me, so "digi-coloring" sometimes is better for me.

  41. This is such a 'Holley' image and your colouring is out of this world gorgeous!! xx

  42. Now, that's a sexy Valentine's day card. Perfect card for that special someone.
    I use digi stamps occassionally, but to be honest I prefer the rubber/clear ones. My printer isn't the best so sometimes printed images don't come out nice. Plus, I'm terrible when it comes to replacing ink cartridges in the printer. It could be months (literally) before I remember and go buy a new one if the one I had before empties. That's why I prefer the rubber/clear stamps. However, I do admit that a big advantage of digi stamps is that you can resize them, plus they are much cheapper than the rubber/clear ones so you can buy more.
    Hugs! xx

  43. Hi Holley,
    Such a brilliant saucy image and so you!! Lol. I love the sentiment that goes with it. TFS
    Trish x

  44. Holley, I forgot to add an answer to your question.... Yes, I love and use digits quite a lot. They are reasonably priced and easy to store, well worth it.
    Trish x

  45. Awesome card Holley. I love the digital images. I find now I used them more than my other stamps. TFS!

  46. Gorgeous card Holley! I prefer regular stamps but I do digital also.

  47. Love your Squigglefly digi! I use both stamps and digis. Digis do take up much less storage and of course they are cheaper!

  48. Love this sassy card. The shiny heart is great. Wonderful coloring. Thanks for sharing Holley.

  49. Great card, today. I love digi stamps. They allow so much flexibility in sizing and masking.

  50. I am neutral on the Digi-stamp thing. I forget I have them. LOL. I so love this sentiment. Beautiful card.

  51. This very hot!! and sentiment!!! I Love this.

  52. What a great card. Can't imagine any guys who would not love this gift. Color are perfect.

  53. awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee such a sexy lady image.super cute.

  54. WOW, I couldn't come for a few days to visit your blog and see that you were very busy doing Valentine cards!
    Great job...

  55. Snazzy card! Digis are pretty all I user. Ability to resize, no storage, instant gratification...whats not to love?! I do have my favorite artists though. Certain styles are just easier for me to color.

  56. So far, I have not used digi stamps. I just love stamping and embossing so much that I have not tries digis although I have some on my computer if I need them.
    isoscia at aol dot com
