Saturday, December 27, 2014

New Year's Resolutions?

So, thinking about a New Year's Resolution?  Aren't we all?  usually I am not a big fan of that. Usually I don't bother.  This year, hmmm, perhaps. I definitely need to get some inspiration, that's for sure.  This cute image from Simply Betty stamps could do that.  Looks like she started a little Ribbon dancing and ended up like this. For me, that might just be crafting and how I'd end up afterwards.

Hope you are having a wonderful restful period post Christmas and before the new years.  Think about those resolutions and so will I.....

Cheers, Holley


  1. A wonderful card Holley and gorgeous colours. I love the heart lace.
    I find New Year resolutions never seem to last, do they? Well, not mine anyway x

  2. Wonderful card and love this image. As for New Year's Resolutions, mine for this year is to do more altered art and step out of my crafty comfort zone.
    Linda xxx

  3. Great card and image Holley. Hope you have a wonderful 2015 xx Jan
