Sunday, November 8, 2015

Ring your Bell!

Here's an awesome image from Simply Betty stamps today. There's a great Facebook contest going on that is being sponsored by The East Wind and Simply Betty Stamps. Yesterday I shared my East Wind creation so today I am sharing my Simply Betty Elf.  Don't you love her skully cap and the skull buttons on her blouse?  You had to know I would adore that!

I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend and may everyone have a blessed week. Yesterday was the big bazaar at the church and I hope to post some photos of all the things I made as the time comes. Right now I have so many projects already scheduled up on my blog, but eventually you will get to see them I am happy to say that those fun bottlecaps that you saw, they were a big hit.

Cheers, Holley


  1. Love the image and beautiful card
    Linda xxx

  2. Love the words..that's great. Fabulous card Holley x

  3. Fabulous card Holley and i love the colour. She looks very thoughtful. So glad everything went well at the Bazaar. Hugs Jennifer xx

  4. Hahahahaha! That's funny! And it fits her expression PERFECTLY! I love it!

  5. Great image and sentiment Holley!

  6. Beautiful, love the image and the sentiment is fab. Chris xx

  7. Hi this is a stunning card I love the image. Hugs Jackie

  8. Another fabby card Holley, super sentiment, made me chuckle, hugs xxx
