Saturday, July 23, 2016


Let us all have faith. Keep me in your prayers and I will keep you in mine.  As I go off on vacation, please think of me through the upcoming weeks and wish for safety in travel and well being in Turkey.

I am using wonderful Chalk Markers here to make this beautiful image.   The work wonderfully on rubber stamps by using them like ink and laying your stamp face up, inking the stamp with the markers and then stamping your image.    Immediately wash the stamp afterwards.

Hugs, Holley


  1. Have a wonderful time in Turkey and stay safe. I hope you manage to get some beautiful lace too. A gorgeous card.
    Linda xxx

  2. Lovely card Holley, hope you have a safe trip and enjoy your time in Turkey. Take Care. Hugs Jennifer xx

  3. I will be thinking of you! I am really looking forward to seeing some photos when you get back too! I'm thinking booths full of laces and trims in some bazzaar would be drool worthy...

  4. Hi Holley this is gorgeous. I hope you have a wonderful holiday. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  5. Hope you have a wonderful trip Holley!
    I love your card, the colours are just perfect!
    Dawn xx

  6. This is stunning Holley. I hope you enjoy your vacation. Cathy x
