Thursday, July 25, 2019

Back to the doctor....

Well I am back at the physical therapist AGAIN.  Third time in two years.  This time I have a different therapist.  I am sure she is great. I totally wish my last therapist was still there, but I am guessing that her DH finished his residency and thus took a job as a doctor somewhere causing them to move. At any rate, back to the physical therapist, this time for my left wrist.

I have no idea what is really wrong with it, but it sure does hurt like the dickens, OUCH, even typing on my computer.  Let's hope we can get this under control before school starts up, that means, three weeks!  EEEK.


  1. cute and lovely card Holley

    gr karin

  2. Hi Holley this is a gorgeous card. I love it. I do hope that they can help your wrist. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  3. Sending prayers. I hope you have a speedy recovery.

  4. Cute card! The embellishments are perfect! Hope the PT helps you feel better soon.

  5. Oh dear! I hope it isn't carpal tunnel! Both wrists for me, 1 surgery, lol. Your card is so cute! xxx

  6. Hope they sort your wrist out soon. A brilliant card.
    Linda xxx

  7. Oh Holley - hope the pain subsides soon. Sending healing prayers. Love the card! Shabneez x

  8. What a fun card, but no fun at all to be in pain. Hope the physical therapy helps get you back on track Holley!

  9. Great card, but so sorry you're in pain. Sounds like carpal tunnel to me xoxo
