Monday, December 2, 2019

I love you this much....

Unity stamps is have a gratitude stamp mini challenge on their facebook this week.  I thought I would enter this cute card that I made for, well, you know!!  He's been so super supportive lately even though this school year as been super stressful.  What a keeper!!

I hope you have a fun Unity card of Gratitude that you would like to enter into the challenge as well.  I am ready to face the next three weeks of school before Christmas break.  Hope you have a great week.


  1. So cute, love the owl. Have a wonderful week.
    Linda xxx

  2. Hi Holley this is a stunning card. I love it. That owl is so cute. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  3. What a sweet card - cute image! Hope things calm down at work and that you have a great week.
