Monday, February 3, 2020

Friendship warms the heart

Welcome, new friends and old friends!  I am so happy that you are all here to celebrate with me this year!  There's tons of prizes and enough for everyone.  I am so happy to be celebrating.  Here's the cutest cat I could find. It comes from Eekers on Etsy (Knitty Kitty on Facebook).  In addition, the store has a wonderful tutorial to go with this cute image on different ways you can color the sweater.  I have seen it, it's so cool.  I am so exited to be giving away copies of this cute image as a gift from the store!

Question of the day, ???

Cat person or dog person?  Both is ok too. I like both and have TONS of cat and dog stamps.
What other animal stamps do you like? animals you don't like?

I like both cats and dogs, I also love llamas, elephants, giraffes, foxes (hmm most woodland creatures); I don't seem to be a huge bird person, though I just got the cutest bird from Unity stamps.

You can check the current winner list HERE!  
Currently no prizes for Feb 2nd contest, go back and comment there if you haven't yet!
If you haven't signed up on the Feb 1st posting, be sure to go there, CLICK HERE as prizes are drawn from that list everyday as well.


  1. Hi Holley this is a gorgeous card. I do love that image. I am a cat person. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  2. Cute card! I really like the sentiment and the image is sweet. I’m more of a dog person, but am not really big on lots of other animal stamps.

  3. I like both dogs and cats. Really cute card!

  4. Hi Holley - I like your card! I like both dogs and cats and llamas and flamingos and birds and owls! I don’t have any llama stamps!

  5. Cute image and card. I'm definitely a dog person, I don't really like cats. My 13 year old dog recently passed away and I'm still heartbroken. I miss her so much.

  6. Cute card. I'm definitely a cat person as their independent souls are similar to mine xoxo

  7. What an adorable image! We are definitely animal lovers at our house. We currently keep a chihuahua and a dachshund. We've also had finches, ferrets, fish, frogs, turtles, giant cockroaches(yuck), a rat once for a couple days(I about killed the kid that brought that home. lol) gerbils, cats(we are searching for a main coon kitten currently.), lizards, rabbits, I've raised orphaned squirrels, and I fed a gopher that nested under the house for a while(it was so fun to watch her raise her babies!). There are probably more that I've forgotten about. When you have a bunch of kids, it's inevitable that critters are going to come home. I have always encouraged my kids to be responsible and take care of anything they brought home, but haven't always been successful. We've had a few really sad funerals. Now that I'm getting older, I'm finding I'm about done with cages though. I'm much more into lower maintenance pets now. lol

    We also have collected some animal memorabilia over the years. My giraffe collection is the largest. I just LOVE giraffe! I'm fond of elephants and zebras as well. Our favorite outings are to the zoo, and we have LOTS of photo documentation of the many trips we've made.

    In my artwork I like to use images of birds, butterflies, dragonflies, bugs, pigs, giraffe and many others. I can never have enough butterfly or bird stamps and have a hard time passing them up. Especially if they are on sale! lol Yep. Animals have definitely enriched our lives quite a lot.

  8. This is so lovely card!
    I like both cats and dogs stamps.

  9. So cute! I'm more of a cat person, but I love animals in general. 😁 xxx

  10. Love your card and Iam definitely a cat lover have one red cat...she is really lovely and sweet...So Iam really a cat woman….

  11. Love the cute image, so adorable! I love all cute animal images especially elephant, llamas, giraffe, birds and many more!

  12. Cute image. I’m not either a cat or dog person, but prefer dogs over cats.

  13. Super cute card!Love that fun cat. I love both dogs & cats. We currently have a cat.

  14. So cute, love the beautiful image and sentiment. I do prefer cats, I have 2 kitties Fluffy and Georgie.
    Linda xxx

  15. I had a dog, I loved him more than life. When he died for 10 years, there was a void. Then three cats replaced him. I love cats, I have many stamps for cats. I make cards with them and bid on blind cats. It's so wonderful.

  16. Love your adorable card! I am definitely a cat person!
    I am drawn to fox images... had a stuffed animal fox when I was about 5 years old, and kept him for many years! I also like birds, giraffes, zebras, big cats, owls, bunnies, skunks. I have a skunk that lives in my yard, and I named her Petunia.

  17. So cute, your coloring is so beautiful!!
    I am definately a dog person! We have 2 little chihuahua's and they own the house, lol

  18. Oops, I'm not a fan of either of them. Just adore them from a distance :)

  19. We have always had both although more dogs than cats. They are all special!

  20. I'm a cat lover but I like other people's dogs. But who can resist all the cute images of other animals out there too!

  21. Such an adorable card and image!!! I guess you can say Im a dog person. I have 4. I was more of a cat person in my younger years but in reality Im an animal person. Always have been. Love them. I like Tigers, monkeys and bears as well as llama's, fox's, owls and most anything.

  22. I’m a Dog person! (not mice and cats). Also like: giraffe, Fox, llamas, elephant, owls

  23. What a sweet card, and I love that big sweater. I love cats and dogs both, and like to use them on cards. Other animals that I like are forest animals, fish, and birds.

  24. Cute card! I like cats/dogs equally, but would lean towards being a dog person. Newtons Nook has some super cute cat stamps. And CAS-ual Fridays Stamps has a cute Boston Terrier stamp set and some really cute huggable stamps with little critters thats adorable. I love whales, wolves, moose, bunnies, and birds. Not a fan of spiders of any kind, real or art. Nope.

  25. Awww, this card is so cute and I love cat images! We had cats for years, but now are owners of a senior I like dogs and cats both. Cute critters are always a draw for me (a weakness, actually). Favorite animals are wild animals, forest critters, sea-life, just about any pet (from gold fish to hamsters). Oh, and farm animals too! I guess I like just about every animal, come to think of it.

  26. Cats and dogs are both favorites with me! We had a lot of pets when I was growing up but hubby is allergic to cats right now and I can't manage to take care of a pet while my kids are all so small yet. So, I make do with fun pet stamps and papers instead. This sweater kitty is the cutest ever!! Hmm, other favorite animals are guinea pigs and goats,and anything fun except for sloths (they kind of creep me out).

  27. cute card you have made Holley

    I love Dogs
    and I love elephants, wolves, giraffe, cute critters, mousies, forest critters, wild animals.

    I don't like pelicans, lama's, flamingo's

    Gr Karin

  28. Such a cute image - I love cats Holley! Shabneez x

  29. I love ALL animals. But I guess I lean more towards dogs. ❤️

  30. Terrific card!!!!! I love cats but I don’t have any. I have four dogs which are my kids. So I guess dog lover. Thanks eekers. Hugs

  31. Super cute. I love both cats and dogs, however we have 2 cats because the hubby loves his kitties. I also love rabbits, giraffes and bears of any kind.

  32. That is an adorable kitty card! I love and have cats, would love to own a dog again, but not right now. Besides dos and cats, I do like mice, birds, (many different ones, but owls especially) foxes, whales, otters and other marine mammals, as some of my favorite stamping and collectable animals.

  33. its so lovely card!
    Im her DT so I know how adorable stamps she have.
    Im cat person. I have 4 cats😺😺 But I have dog,bunny,turtle,bird,fishes
    so we can say Im animal person.

  34. mooooi ik ben een dierenmens heb katten nu ,altijd honden gehad erbij vogels muizen kippen enige echt niet leuk zijn muggen

  35. That cat is so cute.
    I'm mostly a cat person, but love dogs too. We have one of each. Other animals I like are peacocks, turtles, foxes, hedgehogs, llamas, bunnies, sea creatures, just about anything in the animal kingdom.

  36. Now here's an image that is very much a "heart warmer". I love kitties!!! Hugs, Barbara

  37. That's adorable Holley. Definitely a big woolly jumper kind of day here today!

  38. Cute card Holley. I like cats and dogs. Probably more cats. Love llama's. Aardvarks, bats are pretty cool. Halloween fan. Most animals are OK by me. Not to keen on sloths. Sorry sloths. Hugz

  39. What a cute card! I love the font in the sentiment too! The sweater is so warm and cozy!
    I am 100% a dog person. We have two little dogs that look like mops! I love them so much. I also love moose, deer, bear and everything else!

  40. I am allergic to animals but can handle one cat so cat person I am :)

  41. Super cute card Holley! I have both and love them equally!

  42. I am a dog person but own just certain cat ones. My favorite critter stamps is Paper Smooches Zoo Pals and Chummy Chums are some of my fav's!!! And as for birds, you should try Tim HOltz Crazy Birds!!!

  43. What a cute card! I love the cat in the over-sized sweater! I like cats, dogs, horses... pretty much anything furry... I do not like snakes.

  44. Cute one...i like both but elephant is my favourite...

  45. Sweet card and funny.I am cat person but we have dog too.I like all animals.cow`s are the most beautiful animals.

  46. I love all the animals. I have dog which unfortunately die, now I have cat. All my animals were from shelter. When I use stamp, I low cute one.

  47. I love both cats and dogs. Birds are my favorites too.

  48. Thank you for the super post and project Holley! Wishing you a very busy celebration on your blog! Annabel - KKD

  49. Love the sentiment you paired this with. Beautiful card. I'm definitely a cat and dog lover for pets; but love horses too. Dragons, monsters...

  50. the card is fantastic!!! I love the green colour.
