Sunday, April 5, 2020

Thank you cards

I got this cute card making kit and created a whole bunch of fun thank you cards.  They were supposed to all look alike of course, but I can't ever seem to make myself do that.  I did follow the pattern pretty much though.  Here's a little sample of them:

Hope you have a great rest of your weekend.


  1. My cards in multiples are always unique as well. It us a cute pattern. That rooster is great! I have rooster decor in my country themed home.

  2. You are so very welcome! Thank YOU for sharing your creativity and celebrating your continued good health with us. Your thank you cards are really nice - you always find the best kits.

  3. These are lovely, I can never make the same card twice.
    Linda xxx

  4. Hi Holley! Very fun! I should make up some like these!
