Sunday, May 10, 2020


So my DH bday is this week (the 13th), so I have decided I would choose cards this week that are for him.  I will start with this one.  It's from a simple card kit, but I changed it totally from the stuff they gave me.

I feel for those who are having Birthdays this year during the pandemic, esp those who would much prefer to be having big parties and other such events.  My DH is just fine staying home and being together but I know a lot of people wish for other things.  Thank you so much if you refrain and choose to stay home!

Prizes available--Blog candy was announced, be sure and sign up -- HERE

(current count is over 998,500!!)

Did you see the prizes?


  1. Beautiful card, love the design.
    Linda xxx

  2. Pretty card. A card everyday - what a great way to make his birthday special!

  3. This is such an elegant card!!

  4. Hi Holley this is a gorgeous card. I love it. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  5. Ooh I love this card, and love that you are doing a dh theme. Happy birth week to him!
    Yes, I feel for those folks, too. This month had a wedding (rescheduled) and a new baby has been born that I would love to be loving on, plus 2 more that I am also missing out on my turn to cuddle.... when I (rare treat) see my kids and nephew we stay 6 feet away. We are big huggers so this is really something to adjust to. Get closer to my folks, helping them, trying to keep them contained, but no hugs. Yay for technology, that helps!
