Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Summer time

Well, now that school is "out." Hmmmm, I hope everyone and their kids can find some time to relax. I would say relax and be together, but haven't we all been together just a LOT lately?  I am sure for some that is just perfect and for others it is grinding on their last nerves already and summer is just now starting up!

Let's all pray for patience, joy and happiness this summer.  May we all be relaxed and may those who lead our (and all the other) country find solutions for the situations so that we may return to something more like the past we fondly remember.  Can you believe there will be a time when we will be saying things like, "I remember a time when we didn't have to wear face masks everytime we left the house."


  1. Hi Holley this is a gorgeous card. We are living through such strange times. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  2. Cute card. Your post is well said. These are strange times indeed.

  3. Just chilling in the 90 degree weather!

  4. Wonderful card. It sure is a strange time we are living in at the moment. Stay safe.
    Linda xxx
