Thursday, September 24, 2020

Pour some sugar on me --signed, Coffee

Take Life One Sip at a Time.  What a great sentiment for this month.  WHEW,  I think all of us (staff and teachers at the schools) have been running around so fast trying to get everything going that we are finally getting the hang of what's going on FOR NOW...that being said, it's all supposed to change come Oct 5th.

 But Hey, for today, let's all have a nice frozen latte and relax to enjoy ONE more week of things going the way we expect them to!  WOO HOO.


  1. Beautiful, love the quotes too.
    Linda xxx

  2. Hi Holley this is a lovely card. I love it. My hubby has been making iced lattes they are delicious. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  3. When I was teaching, it seemed we were on a fast treadmill through October. November was better but in these pandemic times my heart goes out to all teachers, parents and students. Cute and cheery card!

  4. Love this card! Thinking of you through this strange time of virtual teaching.
