Sunday, March 7, 2021

Given all that is happening with my celebration ending and a ton of wrapping happening and trying to keep a hundred packages straight, I thought a coffee card was in order for today.  It just seems appropriate.  This cute stamp comes from Limited Runs.  

I did a huge amount of packing through the middle of the night Saturday and mailed out the following packages Saturday at lunch time:

Christina M, Darcy, Candy, Anita, Kathy H, Amy, Linda V, Becca, Shartl, Jan E, janis, paper smiles, JordanBev, Suzanne, Billie Dee


Karen Ladd, Rhonda M, Gaye, MelC, Kathy, Jean, Teresa, Deborah B, Melody Scraps, Kelly, Denise, and Lori P


Monique, Kt fit Kitty (2), Karin, Fikreta,  Angela (2)

Keep your eyes out for your packages now and I can't wait until you get them. If love to see any creations you make with your prizes!!  I still have about a half a dozen packages to go. I will start on digi prizes early this week.


  1. Coffee is great to give you some extra energy. At least it does this to me. Great card! xx

  2. Coffee helps everything! Your card says it all! So cute and fun! I see my name, very excited! Will certainly let you know when they arrive! Thank you so much, Holley! You have been busy!

  3. Great coffee card! Perfect way to start the day.

  4. Coffee is my favorite drink!! Love the card.

  5. Great card!! having a coffee right now!! Much needed, LOL

  6. Oh my goodness! You do need coffee! It will be like Christmas in the mail.

  7. Hot coffee sounds great this morning! It's just a little chilly here.

    I'm so excited! I will let you know when your package arrives. After it gets here, I will be packing up my stamps for the move.

  8. What a fun coffee card!!! :) lol! I bet it has been your companion throughout, your celebration is a massive undertaking. Looks like my name is on there, pooh exciting!! Thank you Holley!

  9. Hi Holley this is a fantastic card. You know I love coffee. Unfortunately our coffee machine has had to go back to be fixed. We are both missing it. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  10. I am enjoying coffee while I admire your cute coffee card. I totally agree with the sentiment. :)
    Yippee....I see my name on your list. Wow, Holley, you are super-human to get all those packages ready and mailed. Oh, my! Thank you so much for everything. I can't wait for my pkg to arrive. (Happy Dance!!)
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  11. Just drinking my coffee admiring at your wonderful card!

  12. Fantastic card! Coffee is the best aid to get you through this huge celebration. I can only imagine how much work it is but hope it brings you joy. It sure has brought us a lot of joy!

  13. Love your cute coffee card!
    You're really on the ball to get so many packages out! I'm impressed with how organized you are! Will be anxiously awaiting my package and will let you know as soon as it arrives!

  14. Oh yay for coffee and more coffee! lol Hope to see you at the Coffee Lovers blog hop coming up starting on the 19th. ;-) Thank you so much for sending out my package of goodies ... I'll let you know when it arrives. Thank you again for your generosity! hugs, Becca xoxo

  15. I am among those sipping my morning coffee while admiring your cute card. Happy Sunday Holley, and you deserve a standing ovation for being so on the ball with packaging and mailing the prizes. That's on top of the COVID pandemic and your recent weather woes in Texas too....amazing! Thank you so much.

  16. Yes, definitely, the time for coffee is always NOW!!!! So excited to see my name on the package list. Thanks so much. My gracious soooo many packages and so much work. You are one in a million, Holley. Hugs, Barbara

  17. Love coffee! This is super great card.
    Thank you for information.

  18. Happy ladies!! Conratulations!

  19. what a great coffee card Holley.
    can't wait, if the post is just like last time I got some this week.

    Gr Karin

  20. Great card for after a night of packing. You are amazing. I'm looking forward to my package and will let you know as soon as it arrives. You are going to need a vacation!

  21. You rock Holley, don't know how you get so much done! Thanks so much for my goodies! Great card, coffee theme is always fun.

  22. So wonderful card. Love the coffee theme cards.
    Valerija xx
