Monday, May 24, 2021

For you!

Woo Hoo, it's the two weeks of school left!!  Who knew we would finally reach this day?  we are finally through what has been a crazy year.  Let's all pray that next year things are almost back to what we think of as "normal" or what some of us remember as normal.  I think the kids think today's life is the norm.  WOW.  Actually there's only 6 days with the kids and one work day left now

Have a great week! So now we are learning the numbers in Turkish beyond 1-10 (bir, iki, uc (uch), dort, bes (besh), alti (alta), yedi, sekiz, dokuz, on;  the number for twenty is yirmi (year-mae), thirty is otuz


  1. Hi Holley this is such a cute card. I love it. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  2. Cute card! Love the “hands on hips”. Have a great last few days of school.

  3. Very cute piggies. Enjoy your summer!
