Friday, June 18, 2021

Introverts Unite!

Thought this sentiment was just hilarious.  I am not sure if I am introverted or extroverted.  I think at times I am both, but by default I am more introverted.    However I am definitely one of those homebody people who's like ok everyone, go home!  stay to yourself.  Then I'm like, but I need a friend.....

Dilemmas of an introvert?

Using some fab ribbon from Turkiye here.


  1. Great card Holley - love the lace. I'd say I can be an introvert at times and I am certainly not an extrovert! Shabneez x

  2. Very cute! Over the years, I have had to force myself to be more extroverted but it wears me out.

  3. Cute card, and I agree completely with the sentiment.
