Sunday, March 12, 2023

Guest Designer

 So I took some cute gifts to the kids in Turkiye because I knew I would be visiting their class.  One thing was called slap bracelets in USA theme.  Perhaps you have seen these, they look like flat pieces of paper then you slap them on your wrist and they wrap around them.    The next thing we got was those cute little squishy animals that the kids just loved.  The last thing was an art project for all of us to do together.  Here's several of the kids works:

 Check out my lace store here: LacePlaceByHolley - Etsy


  1. Hi Holley you have a big heart it's nice that you spend so much time with the children.
    I received your letter with a beautiful stamp thank you very much. I sent you a thank you email. Happy sunday. Taty

  2. These look great! I'm sure the kids are so pleased with their creations, and they enjoyed the other goodies you brought too!

  3. How sweet of you to bring things for the kids, I bet they were so excited!

  4. These are great! I’m sure the kids were thrilled to have you share all these neat items and ideas.
