Monday, August 7, 2023

You can Soar...

This is the week for Teacher Training,  I guess that also means TAs, but sometimes, OFTEN, that training doesn't quite fit us.  Makes for a very long day sitting there listening to a lot of information that doesn't pertain directly to you.  I just hope that I AM there when they are saying the information that does pertain to me!

Check out my store on Etsy! I sell Turkish lace in various precut sizes.  Wonderful embellishments too! LacePlaceByHolley - Etsy


  1. hi Holley I understand you very well I also have the compulsory training on the job .... it is often boring and repetitive.
    luck with scrapbooking we relax, beautiful card a hug Taty

  2. Ahhhh! Beautiful bird card!

  3. cheerful and beautiful card Holley

    gr karin
