Monday, January 29, 2024

You are my sunshine!

 Just three days until the celebration!  WOO HOO.  are you all ready?  lots of goodies to give out this year.  I hope you are ready to join in the fun.  Thanks so much for celebrating such an important occasion with me.  You guys are all my sunshine!!  Have you seen the prizes for next month?  they are on my FB here Prizes

Check out my wonderful Etsy store.   I sell precut lace in wonderful packs so you get 20 or 40 pieces all different in a wide array of colors, beautiful embellishments, or Lace Menagerie which is 6 yard assortments!  You can find the store here:


  1. So lovely! We are seeing the sunshine today after a week of gray skies and rain.

  2. I'm ready to party and celebrate!

  3. beautiful card to welcome the celebrations, I'm ready for February day, a hug Taty

  4. Pretty card! Love the colors!
    Wow to the prizes, and I am looking forward to your celebration! It's coming up so fast!

  5. Perfect card for Spring! Looking forward to your celebration month. Thank you for sharing it with us. ❤️
