Saturday, March 9, 2024

Ahhh, first day of spring break

 Happy Saturday everyone!  I wonder what other schools in the world have a spring break like the USA does?  or do they also have a week off in the spring semester of school?  anyone?  I have LOTS of lace to cut and wrap this week.  Whew.  I am going to the scrapbook convention next week, so I need to be ahead of the game.

Check out my wonderful Etsy store.   I sell precut lace in wonderful packs so you get 20 or 40 pieces all different in a wide array of colors, beautiful embellishments, or Lace Menagerie which is 6 yard assortments!  You can find the store here:


  1. a very nice card. in Italy schools don't have spring holidays but they do have a mini holiday for Easter.
    This weekend there is the Creativa scrapbooking fair but I'm recovering and can't go.
    I received the first envelope with the stamp thank you very much, it's beautiful, I'm very happy, a hug Taty

  2. Happy Saturday Holley! I can see that also Taty is Italian and she said well, we have only some days for Easter. The big break will be from the half of June since the end of August (Summer holidays)
    Enjoy your scrapbook convention next week!!

  3. what a lovely card, I have looked for you because we don't have kids
    they had a week vacation in febr and now they have it april 27 till may5
    and the school vacation is different in Holland its in 3 parts, and it is different every year.
    gr karin

  4. No Spring Holidays in Slovenia. Nice card you create.

  5. So pretty. My grandkids in Arizona have a 2 week spring break starting Monday. Grandma will be babysitting😂

  6. Pretty card! Love the mix of patterns!
    Enjoy your spring break and rest up for the convention!

  7. Great card to celebrate the start of Spring Break! Our grands in the NE had a winter break and get 5 days at Easter. The one in FL have Sprinkler Break, and of course, our local one is off now.

  8. I really like the colors of the card. Our schools have the spring break coincide with Easter.

  9. Thank you for the amazing prize package. I love it all!! Very pretty card.
