Friday, May 10, 2024

Happy Day

Happy Friday everyone!  Everyone at my school is wired up and on the 10 day countdown to the end.  Even the kiddos (but not my 2 year olds).  the last day of school is May 23rd, with a staff day on May 24th.  I am of course (y'all know) leaving on the 22nd.  I have arranged a sub for the 23rd and won't attend the staff party (sorry, "training") on the 24th.

Check out my store at  only one week left to buy goodies for the summer!


  1. beautiful card I love reading it's my second pastime. you are very good at organizing your work. a hug Taty

  2. Cute card! It is hard to believe how quickly time is flying by!

  3. Lovely card Holley. I'm late on commenting, I'm very busy.
    School is really at the last go for you and kids! Yay! :D
