Friday, May 31, 2024

Summer Sun

Time for the wonderful (?) summer sun in Istanbul.  I guess that is very relative.  It's about 10 to as much as 20 degrees cooler there than it is in my home of Austin, TX.  But, last summer there were record heat days in Istanbul over 100-degree F, that's of course with no Air Conditioning, which most people in America, especially south Texas, can't believe.  Even the place I stay, has no air.  At best there's a fan (and if not, I go buy one for the summer).



  1. Beautiful card with that gold sun Holley.
    Here in Italy in the place were I live we usually have from 27 to 40 Celsius degrees in Summer (80/104 Fahrenheit) and no air conditioning in a lot of houses (but yes in the Hotels, Supermarkets etc!).
    Enjoy the coolest temperatures! :)

  2. hi Holley beautiful card, the sun is fabulous is it made with a die?
    We don't have air conditioning at home, it's not needed and it's always windy in the afternoon.
    will you enjoy your holiday in Istanbul when you return home? a hug Taty

  3. Beautiful card! Hopefully there will be cool breezes and lovely days.
