Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Thinking of you

 Good Morning all! I hope this day finds you happy and healthy. I am delighted to be relaxing in Turkiye and having a sweet vacation so far. I can't believe that it's almost been a week.  WOW.  I guess most people only get a week vacation. I am truly blessed.  While here in Turkiye I will get to take a vacation of sorts and go from Istanbul to a city called Sanliurfa, "City of Prophets"  it is where Abraham was born as well as the prophet Job and some other biblical occurrences happened.


  1. very sweet card karin

  2. This card is beeutiful! 🐝

  3. Hi Holley, a very beautiful card with a very sweet and affectionate sentiment. Enjoy the long holiday and take lots of souvenir photos. a hug Taty

  4. Good evening Holley :) You are so lucky having a long vacation and the place you will visit near Istanbul seems very interesting.
    Lovely card also today!
    Hugs, enjoy your days!
