Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Beehive houses

I can't believe this marks a week since I have been in Urfa!  Wow, tomorrow my friend Merve will come and join in!  Another amazing thing in this area is Beehive houses in Harran.  These houses are constructed of clay with no wood and have existed for HUNDREDS of years.  It's amazing.  I hope you all are checking out my FB (and that I have Wi-Fi to post photos on there periodically)  Of course you can always search on the internet to see I guess.  

Yes, I am being corny and using a card with BEEs on it!


  1. Hi Holley, a very nice card, the flowers are always beautiful. I don't have FB but your descriptions are so detailed that I can imagine the places. thanks a hug Taty

  2. Lovely card! I am enjoying all of the amazing pictures.

  3. I'm not on FB, but if you could link here your gallery about Urfa I will be happy to look at your photos! Lots of amazing things you said about that place! :)
    Your card is so pretty and sweet!
    Enjoy your meeting with your friend!
