Sunday, June 9, 2024

Guest Designer

Sharing more wonderful art from the kids in school in Turkiye.  Did you know that in Turkiye that teacher starts at kinder and get a class of kids and then kids and teach move together through the grades. The teacher will always have the same class, kinder through 5th grade.  I know happens sometimes in the USA, but rarely, I wonder which other countries do that.  I know I had seen it before.  In my school in the USA teachers generally get to pick which grade they teach (in elementary school, though on occasion they do get moved due to the influx of students in a certain grade).

Anyways, here's some cute art from the kiddos:


Taty said...

Hi Holley, the hearts created by children are wonderful, it's nice that they express their creativity. here in Italy the school cycles are divided in kindergarten there are teachers and in primary school other teachers. Happy Sunday Taty

KarinsArtScrap said...

ahhhhhhhhh what cute and wonderful hearts they made karin

Gaye said...

Cute and colorful!

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Lovely hearts from Turkish kids!
As Taty said here in Italy the kindergarden and primary school are separate. But at primary school a teacher usually keeps the kids at the first class (six years old) and stays with them since the fifth (ten years old), when they go the the secondary school. As in Turkye, I think.