Just reached 100,000 hits on this blog! Wow, reached that goal before 2 yrs. Who would have thought? Well, i think this is a good reason for blog candy. I haven't gotten everything ready for blog candy yet, but I have been getting some goodies for it....here's a few

photos to get you ready for it....
Fabulous!! I can't wait
Fantastic candy! All stamps and others! I am mad about them!!!
))) Thanks for another chance! I wish I had at least a part on this...
Looks great!!!! I'm waiting right here!! LOL
awesome blog candy! Looking forward to your post about it!
WOOOooOOOooOT.....Me luv Candy! =) Can't wait!
Hi Holley, I just love being subscribed to your blog, when I see your latest and greatest, it inspires me too get some different styles out! P.S. Dragon is going great and now on Divas by Design too! So exciting. Great candy can't wait, hope you are well? Your blog buddy Tammy Louise :)
Wow Holley you have been busy looks fab and congratulations on all those hits too.
Congrats, Holley! I love blog candy! It is all wonderful!
Hey Holley! April 22 is my hubby's birthday!
He would luv to win some blog candy. LOL! (Well, I wouldn't really tell him it was for him) Hee!Hee!
Love your work!
Wanda D.
Hi Holley,
Wow hunni this looks amazing. What I wouldn't give to win just one little bit of this amazing candy.
Can't wait and congrats on your hits!!
Dawn x
Amazing amount of Candy you'll be sharing. I think I counted 100,000 separate items! Perfect for your 100,000 hits! ;) Congrats on reaching that Fabulous Milestone! xoxox ~j.
Wow! That is some blog candy....more like the whole candy store! Congrats!
Wow.. Is that a candy or what...Congrats on reaching such a great milestone...
OOOHHH!! That sure looks sweet!! cant wait, congrats on the 100,000 hits
Way to go on your hits. Congrats. You can count on me to be back every day... ~<3~
Holly-Molly Holley!!! That is a lot's of good stuff. The Sweet Pea stamps is already melting in my mouth from ford SWEET. lol
Hugs Nataliya
wow that is alot fo stuff! congrats on your hits.
I'm ur follower.
michelesscrapycreations35 at yahoo dot com
wow! look at all that great stuff!!!!!
I'm a follower and on your email list.
stamping sue
Hi Holley, I think I have died and gone to heaven looking at all the awesome supplies you own! I can only dream! XO Wendy
Cindy H.
Holly you are amazing. I have not seen prettier work done by any one on these blogs. I wait with anticipation every day to see what you do next. I wish I could color half as well as you do. The candy you offer is always to die for. I would love to win just a part of one of the give aways. You are so generous. I am trying to build a blog and can't even get that accomplished, LOL I am an avid follower and admirer. Mary Lou Brown Lulu9987@aol.com
All I can say is AWESOME! I will be a follower as of now!
I am ready for Blog Candy! Need some Candy! Next Holiday is not till July!
Sherrie Roberts
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