Monday, June 17, 2024

A day in the life

 Happy Monday everyone. It's the start of week 4....This week is super exciting because I am traveling in Turkiye to a city in the southern border next to Syria called Sanliurfa.  I leave for Urfa on Wednesday.  There is so much incredible history there including what they think is currently point zero in mankind, Gobleki-Tepe.


Taty said...

Hi Holley, you're having a great tour discovering Turkey, congratulations.
the card is very beautiful with an important message to live every day savoring every moment. a hug Taty

Gaye said...

Lovely card! Enjoy the day and your week.

KarinsArtScrap said...

have a great time and beautiful card karin

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Hi Holley, It seems that you will have a very interesting journey! Enjoy your week!