Thursday, August 1, 2024

Hi There

 Wow, I can't believe it is August. I have exactly one week now before I start back to school.  we will be working from the 8th to the 19th before the kiddos come to us.  I know I am going to be so surprised when i see how much my kids have grown.  They will be almost three now.  I don't know if I explained before, I do deaf and hard of hearing children.  Only kids with that disability come at age 2 to my class, so my class is typically very small (like 2to as many as 5).  Most children in the USA start Kindergarten at age 5, though Pre-K is more and more common at ages 3 and 4.


Gaye said...

Wishing you a successful school year! Cute card!

Taty said...

a very nice card, I wish you a new school year full of affection and beautiful experiences, a hug Taty