Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Keep Calm and Kitty on!

 Well, time for day 2.  In an elementary school, day one of school is about safety, child management, never losing someone from your class,......  Nothing is ever as serious in our small little bubble with a couple of two year olds, me as the teaching assistant and my teacher.  But having been in this environment as long as I have, I am quite familiar with the stress level of the first week or so until the kids are very familiar with the new routine.

In fairness two-year-olds have a routine too, one that we are getting them to learn again, since they go year round, but do have a break in their routine from the end of July to Aug 14th. However, there's two of us watching the two-year-olds and we spend our entire day in the same room.  it's usually a matter of getting the parents dropping off the kids at the same time and having the school bus arrival time (like they have any control over that), and such all ironed out.  it will take a week or two.

Here's a Scrappy Boy card, Keep Calm and Kitty on!  I love their cute stamps, this one and especially the Chococat one.  TOO fun.

check out the store and get some fun stuff from Turkiye! LacePlaceByHolley - Etsy


KarinsArtScrap said...

sweet and beautiful Holley

gr karin

Fikreta said...

lovely card

Gaye said...

Awww! Cute!

Taty said...

hello Holley, the card is very nice and super fun, the stamp is beautiful. here August 15 is a holiday for the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. family party.
a hug Taty