Saturday, August 31, 2024


 Happy Labor Day weekend to all my American friends and happy Saturday to the rest of the world.  I hope you are all having a great weekend.  I am going to be having a nice relaxation time with the DH and selling lots of lace on my FB (look me up holley tondre barnhart) or in my store 

Check out my awesome lace store for wonderful packets of lace, in either 6" or 12" and beautiful embellishments:

Friday, August 30, 2024

Hi Foxy

 Well, it's now the end of week 2.  I can't believe it.  These two weeks have gone by pretty quickly.  I am so ready for Labor Day weekend.  if you haven't seen the store, or my facebook, there is going to be a lace sale this weekend!  Keep your eye out!!

Check out my awesome lace store for wonderful packets of lace, in either 6" or 12" and beautiful embellishments:

Thursday, August 29, 2024

I look UP to you

 Guess who I saw at the grocery store?  one of my previous 2 year old students!  oh, how darling was that.  She's so cute and just grown up so much. I was just delighted.  

Check out my awesome lace store for wonderful packets of lace, in either 6" or 12" and beautiful embellishments:

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Thanks for thinking of me!

 Happy Wednesday.  I can't believe we just hit a week into the school year.  Already potential changes in the mix, I guess I will know soon enough what is going on.  Keep your fingers crossed for me that something good happens. Thanks so much

Check out my awesome lace store for wonderful packets of lace, in either 6" or 12" and beautiful embellishments:

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Just chicken in...

Just chicken in on you all...I hope you are doing well.  I know I have some friends out there who are also teachers.  How has your year started off?  Well, I hope.  Drop me a message and let me know.  Cheers 

Check out my awesome lace store for wonderful packets of lace, in either 6" or 12" and beautiful embellishments:

Monday, August 26, 2024

Step aside morning....

 All right week 2 of school has begun, let's start out with some coffee, you guys know that is my favorite topic totally!  

Check out my awesome lace store for wonderful packets of lace, in either 6" or 12" and beautiful embellishments:

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Guest Designer Kids from Turkiye

Sharing more of the lovely creations from the Kiddos in Turkiye.  These kiddos are now in MIDDLE school in Turkiye, as 5th graders goto a school with 5,6,7.  Oh, how I will miss those kids.

 Check out my awesome lace store for wonderful packets of lace, in either 6" or 12" and beautiful embellishments:

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Love you dear

Happy Saturday everyone.  I hope you are looking forward to a nice weekend. I know I am.  It's probably good that we start off the year with a four day week, so it's a tiny bit easier on the kiddos.  This coming week will be five days and then labor day holiday will give us a four day week.

Sharing a little love for the DH today.

Check out my awesome lace store for wonderful packets of lace, in either 6" or 12" and beautiful embellishments:

Friday, August 23, 2024

Happy Birthday Hallie

 Happy Birthday Sister!  Huge hugs, I hope you have a very special day.  May all your birthday dreams come true.  We definitely need to get together for some lunch. Cheers, Holley 

This cute card was made at the last scrapbook expo using materials from KNC essentials.

Check  out my wonderful lace store on Etsy. I sell beautiful precut turkish lace in a huge variety of colors.  I also have lovely embellishments to chose from.

Thursday, August 22, 2024


 Day 3....we'll be counting the days for a little while, at least until things start to normalize and the kiddos seem to get the routine and understand what is going on.  That's usually a week or two.  They acclimate pretty well fairly quickly really.

Check out my awesome lace store for wonderful packets of lace, in either 6" or 12" and beautiful embellishments:

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


 OK, we all survived day 1 of school, so now we'll move on the day 2 of school.  It's all still pretty overwhelming, but at least we have day one under our belts. Here's a great card that I made during a scrapbooking convention last march.

Check out my awesome lace store for wonderful packets of lace, in either 6" or 12" and beautiful embellishments:

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Happy First Day Kids!

 Happy First day to the kiddos!  I hope they have a wonderful day, or at least a safe and not overly overwhelming first day.  I know the first day jitters are real, for everyone from the teachers to the kiddos and parents.  Let's all pull together and make sure everyone is safe, secure and happy today.

Check out my awesome lace store for wonderful packets of lace, in either 6" or 12" and beautiful embellishments:

Monday, August 19, 2024

Guest Designer Karin

 I didn't get to share my guest designer yesterday so I am adding it today, Here's a lovely creation from Karin of KarinArtScrap.  She makes the most lovely cards on her blog, be sure to go and check her out.

Check out my lace store....lots of new stuff with more new goodies to be added

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Happy Birthday!

Wishing my dear friend's daughter, Ruveyda a very Happy Birthday today.  I hope you have a wonderful day.  May all your dreams come true.  Huge hugs and best wishes to you and your family from Holley and John.

 Check out my wonderful lace store,  I sell beautiful laces, embellishments and yard long lace packages!

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Happy Birthday!

Wishing my step sister in law a very Happy Birthday today!  I hope your family has something special planned for you.  You deserve it!  Happy Birthday and wonderful wishes from Holley and John in Texas!  Cheers, Holley 

New laces and goodies have been added to the shop since I have returned from Turkiye!  Check it out!

Friday, August 16, 2024

Happy Friday

 Happy Friday everyone!  I hope you all have some fun plans this weekend.  I am actually going to meet up with my sister and my mother and we are going to take a class in Turkish lampwork.  Sounds like something I would do in Turkiye, huh?  well, actually, I have done it in Turkiye, but I couldn't bring it home as it was too breakable and too large once wrapped up in bubble wrap.

Check out my awesome lace store for wonderful packets of lace, in either 6" or 12" and beautiful embellishments:

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Home Sweet School

Happy Thursday, three more days of training until the kiddos come.  I am also doing lots of online training classes.  I must confess these are the same exact classes that I take every year, so at year 8, they are hmmm...burned into my memory.  Things like, Internet Security, Playground procedures, Campus Security, Bloodborne pathogens, Epilepsy,.....I know it's good that we do these trainings every year as a refresher, but it doesn't make it any easier or faster.

Check out my awesome lace store for wonderful packets of lace, in either 6" or 12" and beautiful embellishments:

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


 Happy Hump Day!  I can't believe we are now less than a week until school "really" starts.  That is, until my kiddos come.  I am looking forward to seeing how much they have grown this summer.  I know I will be shocked, because every year, I am just so suprised at how big that kids get in just two months of summer.

Check out my awesome lace store for wonderful packets of lace, in either 6" or 12" and beautiful embellishments:

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Sending Prayer

 Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope this week has gotten off to a great start for all of you.  Have you been watching my store?  I am adding the gorgeous lace and embellishments that I got this summer in Turkiye.  What fun that was!  Be sure to check it out.

Sending prayers to all the schools that are starting up today and tomorrow!

Monday, August 12, 2024

All you need...

 First full week at the school, it will be a mix of trainings and teacher inservice days.   The kids will come next week.  I thought this card was too cute, I made it using a card making technique that I learned last year during a convention using paper pads from Echo Park.

Check out the goodies in my lace store:

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Guest Designer

 Here's some sweet art from the kid's in Turkiye.  They all did wonderful art for me.  How nice is that. I thought it was just lovely that they gave me their art back, when I gave them craft supplies to enjoy.  So sweet.

Check out my lace store....lots of new stuff with more new goodies to be added

Saturday, August 10, 2024


Hello!  Here's a sweet and simple card to say hi to everyone today. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.  I have one more week of training before school starts up with the kiddos.  I wish they were already with us!

 Check out my lace store....lots of new stuff with more new goodies to be added

Friday, August 9, 2024

Happy Day!

Day 2 of work, today we actually have training to do.  I look forward to seeing my colleagues and meeting a BUNCH of new people this year.  Teaching has had a huge turnover in my city.  I don't know if it's just my district or the whole profession.  It makes me feel sad though as we are losing so many great teachers.

Check out my lace store....lots of new stuff with more new goodies to be added

Thursday, August 8, 2024

First day of the new school year

 Today is when the staff returns to the school.  We usually don't have SO much time before the kids come back.  This year we have to work 8 day (all next week and the following monday), Kids start on the 20th.  Most of the time, it's three days and BAM the kids are there.....

Check out my lace store....lots of new stuff with more new goodies to be added

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Happy Hump Day

 Happy Hump Day, it's my last day off before school starts for the staff.  I would say I am going to do something exciting, but the Texas heat is out in full force.  I think I will do my best to relax and cut up some wonderful lace and relax before school starts.

Check out my lace store....lots of new stuff with more new goodies to be added

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Coffee & Friends

 just two more days off, I hope you have been checking out my lace store to see the new goodies that I got when I was in Turkiye.  What fun.  Be sure and go by the store (link in the bottom) and check it out.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Welcome is starting soon.

 Well, school for teachers starts at the end of this week.  The kiddos won't start until the 20th.  I am not sure why we have all this time before the kiddos start...8 days is a lot. Whatever.  I am ready for the kiddos already.  Of course, I have no idea if I have even have any kiddos and what is going on yet, lol, better enjoy my last three days.  Welcome back to school, lol!

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Guest Designer

 Wow, I can't believe school is about to start for us?  how can this be?  I spend my whole summer away in Turkiye and of course by the time I get home and get over Jet Lag, it's time for school....

Here's some wonderful creations from the kids a summer ago

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Life is Beautiful with You!

 woo hoo, it's Saturday.  I am hoping you had a great week and are getting some lovely time off this weekend.  Here's a cute card that I made for the DH.  I am happy that we can spend a little special time together today.

Friday, August 2, 2024

all my love

 Happy Friday everyone.  I am sure everyone is happy for the weekend.  I am glad to get some time with the DH.  That's the one down thing about a long vacation, he is not with me.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Hi There

 Wow, I can't believe it is August. I have exactly one week now before I start back to school.  we will be working from the 8th to the 19th before the kiddos come to us.  I know I am going to be so surprised when i see how much my kids have grown.  They will be almost three now.  I don't know if I explained before, I do deaf and hard of hearing children.  Only kids with that disability come at age 2 to my class, so my class is typically very small (like 2to as many as 5).  Most children in the USA start Kindergarten at age 5, though Pre-K is more and more common at ages 3 and 4.