Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Back to Istanbul

Time to go back to Istanbul. I have enjoyed my time here in Sanliurfa and feel like I really got to KNOW this area.  Sometimes spending a day or so somewhere just doesn't give it justice.  Some places need a couple of weeks and some cities the size of Istanbul (pop 20 million) need years and years.


Tuesday, July 2, 2024


 So what else should you see in Sanliurfa?  here's a few idea:  Badza caves, Sogmatar Ancient City, Rumkale, a number of historical churches some of which are now active mosques, all of which you can visit, at the moment I can't think of all the other great things, except the FOOD.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Make Lemon-ade

Happy July everyone!  I can't believe I have been in Turkiye for five weeks.  I am enjoying Sanliurfa and I am at the end of my trip there. Just three more days.  I will say, most people come here for just a day, maybe two days.  I have been SO relaxed and enjoyed this time.   One thing I love is the fresh squeezed juice that you can get.  Ahh, so delicious.  there are amazing stands full of fresh fruit and they just squeeze it right there for you.  So delicious.